好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的come to power的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条come to power的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了come to power的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、An entire generation of computer professionals hadcome to power doing just the opposite.(上一代计算机专业人士恰好形成一股反(普及)的力量。)
- 2、First, communication technology has allowed us to come together like no other time in human history. Information is power.(第一,通信技术使得我们能够比历史上以往任何时候更密切地联结在一起。)
- 3、What the bully fears the most is have a larger bully or even a competing bullycome to power.(恶霸最害怕的就是比他还恶的恶霸,甚至出现一个跟他一样的都会让他忧心忡忡。)
- 4、The response to these trends must come with equal power, with top-level power that can command the right protective policies across all sectors.(我们需要同等强大的力量来应对这些趋势,需要能够指挥各部门采取正确保护措施的顶级力量。)
- 5、Raises are hard to come by and new hires may feel they have less negotiating power.(加薪是非常困难的,而对于新工作又会觉得自己没什么谈判的优势。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 6、Mr Brown’s tactics may look more like a headache for Britain, however, if the Conservativescome to power in May.(如果保守党五月上台的话,那么布朗先生的计谋对于英国来说更像是一场头痛。)
- 7、Growers claim the big champagne houses have deliberately chosen to stock up amid the recession to alter the balance of power in champagne for years to come.(种植商声称香槟酒商故意囤积香槟,这样他们就可以在经济衰退的时候扭转未来几年香槟业的力量均势。)
- 8、Any mental picture, backed by faith and perseverance, will come to pass through the miracle-working power of your subconscious.(任何你在脑海中刻画的景象,拥有信仰和坚持作它们的后盾,将会经由你潜意识的创造奇迹的力量来真实再现。)
- 9、To understand it is to come closer to grasping the awesome power of the Sun.(只有了解了日冕我们才会认识到太阳所拥有的让人敬畏的能量。)
- 10、To achieve the economic expansion we all seek, we need to unlock a vital source of growth that can power our economies in the decades to come.(为实现我们所寻求的经济增长,我们需要开启一个能使我们的经济在未来数十年中获得动力的必不可少的增长源泉。)
- 11、Unlike his neighbours, Gaddafi hadcome to power by denying western control of his country's natural wealth.(于他邻国不同的是,卡扎菲主要是通过对西方在利比亚财产的否任而上台的。)
- 12、But this power has to come from somewhere.(但是这种力量是来自于某个地方的。)
- 13、To create life is beyond man's power until his mind has come alive.(创造生活已经超出了人的能力,除非他的头脑变得灵活。)
- 14、Soon to come are similar ways to enhance other utilities, such as the "cognitive power grid," and other devices, such as the cognitive car.(紧接着的是用类似的办法来提高其他设施的性能,如“智能电网”或者如智能汽车一样的别的装置。)
- 15、Because I am a good readings, so the teacher only to vote for me, although I can notcome to power, but my voice will be captivated the audience.(因为我朗诵好,所以老师才选我,虽然我不能够上台,但我的声音一定会迷住观众的。)
- 16、Whatever the cause, the Tehri Dam hasn't come close to delivering the amount of power or water that was expected.(无论原因是什么,特赫里大坝都没有输送预想的那么多的电力和水。)
- 17、When you reflect on how far we humans have come from the prehistoric caves to mind-blowing technological advancements, you would feel the power of imagination.(当你回想起我们人类从史前的洞穴到令人叹为观止的科技进步,你会感受到想象力的威力。)
- 18、Cooling towers have come to symbolize power plants - nuclear or not - around the world.(无论涉核与否,世界各地的冷却塔俨然已经成为发电站的象征。)
- 19、Since its launch in 1996, Flash hascome to power nearly everything online that isn't static: streaming video players, interactive graphics, animated ads, and more.(Flash自1996年问世以来,在网络上发挥的作用几乎触及各个方面(自然不是一成不变的):流式视频播放机、交互式制图、动态广告等等。)
- 20、But he willcome to power with even less legitimacy than Mr Obasanjo had after his own flawed election victory in 2003.(但是,2003年他那次通过舞弊而赢得的选举,让他的上台比奥巴桑乔更不具合法性。)
- 21、European diplomats said Clinton believed it would be unwise to try to overturn the Lisbon treaty in the unlikely event that it has not been ratified by the time the Toriescome to power.(欧洲的外交官们表示,希拉里认为保守党如果试图拒绝《里斯本条约》是不明智的,因为保守党上台时,这项条约很可能已经签署。)
- 22、But to make it real, to achieve the economic expansion we all seek, we need to unlock a vital source of growth that can power our economies in the decades to come.(但要实现这一愿景,实现我们大家所寻求的经济增长,则需要开启一个能使我们的经济在未来数十年中获得动力的必不可少的增长源泉。)
- 23、When you think of television news reporters, visions may come to mind of power parties, exotic overseas assignments and exclusive interviews with the rich, the famous and the criminal.(当你想到电视新闻记者时,脑海中出现的形象可能是一个有影响力的群体,充满异国情调的海外项目,以及对富人、名人和罪犯的独家专访。)
- 24、There were people who didn't want him tocome to power, and his supporters were moving him every night to different safe places.(那时有人不愿看到他掌权,他的支持者每晚都会把他转移到不同的安全地点。)
- 25、Administrators come to like the perks and power of deciding who is deserving.(管理者们会逐渐地迷上那种决定谁是被捐赠者的权力。)