


更新时间:2025-03-10 09:27:15

  • 1、At first, I didn't know it was acougar. I thought it was another dog," Austin told the Canadian news website CTV News on Sunday.(起初我并不知道那是只美洲豹,还以为它是另一只狗,”奥斯丁在周日接受加拿大新闻网站CTV采访时说道。)
  • 2、First of all, I see no reason why a Tiger couldn't get along with acougar.(首先,我认为伍兹没有理由不跟一只美洲虎相处。)
  • 3、I saw acougar slinking toward its prey.(我看到了一头美洲狮朝向猎物潜步而行。)
  • 4、cougar Seafood Restaurant is the new special seafood buffet restaurant of WuXi International Hotel, which is on the 8th floor and holding more than 200 dinner seats.(美洲豹国际自助餐厅是无锡国际饭店全新打造的特色海鲜自助餐厅,餐厅设在饭店主楼8楼,拥有200多个餐位。)
  • 5、We did use a live animal to promote thecougar.(我们倒的确使用了一头活的动物来推销美洲豹车。)
  • 6、Claw marks, from a big cat, most likely acougar.(留下的爪印,源自大型猫科动物,很可能是一只美洲狮。)
  • 7、Below is photo ofcougar, a the next generation of combat vehicles currently being used in Iraq.(以下是美洲狮的照片,一个下一代战车目前正在使用中的伊拉克。)
  • 8、Thecougar trope started out as a joke about desperate older women. Now it’s gone mainstream, even in Hollywood, home to the 50-something producer with a starlet on his arm.(美洲豹曾被用来比喻绝望的老女人,现在,这已经成为主流,甚至在好莱坞,五十多岁的导演手臂上都会有个图案。)
  • 9、Finally, thecougar ran off and Mrs. McAlister held her children and was thankful they were safe.(最后美洲狮跑开了,阿里斯特太太抱着她的孩子,很欣慰他们都平安无事。)
  • 10、Florida panthers are the same species as the Western puma, also known as thecougar or the mountain lion.(佛罗里达的美洲豹,与西部被称为美洲豹,或者众所周知的美洲狮,美洲山狮是同一物种。)
  • 11、The service's lead scientist for the easterncougar, Mark McCollough, said the animal has likely been extinct since the 1930s.(管理局东部美洲狮方面的首席科学家马克·麦克洛说,这种动物有可能从20世纪30年代起就已经灭绝了。)
  • 12、Mastiff is the British variant of the widely used six-wheel-drivecougar vehicle.(Mastiff是广泛使用的六轮驱动美洲豹汽车的英国变种。)
  • 13、And the result came to be the Mercury Mystique and later on became the Mercurycougar.(和结果后来被水银的神秘感,后来就成了汞美洲狮。)
  • 14、And the rare spotting of acougar, Wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.(偶尔看到美洲狮、狼或者林地驯鹿,会让我们激动到窒息!)
  • 15、We'll then move on to a quadruped walk with acougar and finish up with a heavy rhino.(我们将继续与美洲狮四足走了沉重的犀牛。) (好工具
  • 16、There's acougar in the corner that seems to be stalking me!(「那只角落的「美洲狮」,似乎想要扑向我呢!」)
  • 17、As soon as it went underneath the light, I saw that it was acougar.(当它走到灯光下的时候我才看出那是只美洲豹。)
  • 18、Some residents and experts said the predator may be a bear, a wayward panther orcougar, or even a Wolf because 3-inch paw tracks were found at the scene.(一些居民和专家认为这种食肉动物可能是一只熊,一头任性的豹子或狮子,抑或是一头狼,因为在现场发现了3英寸长的爪迹。)
  • 19、That bar is not a GREat place to find a date, unless you're actually looking for acougar or something.(那个酒吧不是一个寻找约会的好地方,,除非你真想找一个老来俏之类的人物。)
  • 20、She looked up and saw acougar perched on the fence ready to pounce on the youngest child. Mrs. McAlister ran outside to save her children.(她仰头一看,看到一只美洲狮停在竹篱上筹备扑向她最小的小孩,于是阿里斯特太太赶快跑出去救她小孩,课件下载。)


英 [ˈku:gə(r)] 美 [ˈkuɡɚ] 


