好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的cable TV的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条cable TV的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了cable TV的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、These people are actually proud to cancel theircable TV service.(这些人事实上已经以退掉有线电视服务为傲。)
- 2、Cancelcable TV.(取消有线电视。)
- 3、A useful analogy is the familiarcable TV box.(这与我们熟悉的有线电视机顶盒很类似。)
- 4、Or had your lights,cable TV or telephone black out-and stay out for days-because an ice storm downed power lines?(又或者,有没有遇到过,你的电线、电话线活有线电视线因为结冰而断掉,致使你不得不苦忍好几天的事情?)
- 5、I'm losing mycable TV!(我要失去有线电视了!) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 6、I said I could never give up mycable TV, but I've been without it for 6 or 7 years now.(我曾说我离不开我的有线电视,但现在我已经有六七年没有看它了。)
- 7、For years I've had issues with mycable TV - my DVR often records entire programs completely pixilated.(好多年了,我的有线电视一直就没怎么好过——我的DVR经常录取一些完全看不清的图像。)
- 8、Lots of people have cut back oncable TV, telephone service, and even gas and electricity usage.(宁可掐了有线电视,电话线,甚至停水停电,都不能没有网,没网的生活怎么过啊。)
- 9、Mr Steinbrenner also saw that television, especially the arrival ofcable TV, would make sport a lucrative business.(史坦布瑞纳同样认为,电视媒介特别是有线电视,能够让体育与商业实现双丰收,目前,纽约扬基也已经有了自己的专属频道。)
- 10、No wonder phone companies are second only tocable TV companies in "most hated" rankings.(难怪在“最讨厌排行榜”上,电话公司仅次于有线电视公司排行第二。)
- 11、Eventuallycable TV was able to disrupt the status quo anyway.(不管怎样,最终有线电视能够打破这种现状。)
- 12、We're intrigued by the potential link-up between Motorola's tablets and its FiOS/cable TV set-top boxes.(我们对于摩托罗拉的平板电脑和其FiOS/有线电视机顶盒可能存在的关联抱有期待。)
- 13、Mr Obama's speech was broadcast live by only onecable TV channel with limited reach.(奥巴马的演讲只通过一家有线电视频道在有限的范围内现场直播。)
- 14、He was writing a memoir and recently made The Beast, a well-receivedcable TV series about a veteran FBI agent.(他正在写自传,近来制作了一部广受欢迎的有关FBI侦探的有线电视连续剧—《野兽》。)
- 15、When I disconnected mycable TV box, I let it sit idly in the corner of my apartment for several weeks.(当我把有线电视盒电源断掉后,一连好几周我都还把它静静地留在公寓的角落。)
- 16、Nocable TV.(拒绝有线电视。)
- 17、Acable TV show, Deadliest Catch, on the Discovery Network, shows real crab fishers in the Bering Sea.(在‘发现网络’的一个有线电视节目,《致命捕捞》,说的就是白令海上真实的捕蟹渔民。)
- 18、Somecable TV companies offer TV5 or other French stations.(一些有线电视公司也播出TV5台或其他法语台。)
- 19、Cut outcable TV.(掐断有线电视。)
- 20、The Opening Ceremony will be televised oncable TV.(有线电视将实况转播开幕式的盛况。)
- 21、Betsy Kenny Lack and Annie Leibovitz spotlight eight execs who have madecable TV a woman's world.(贝斯特·肯尼和莱科·安妮莱伯维茨的聚光灯下闪耀着光芒的八位女性执行总裁,正是她们创造了女性主宰有线电视业的神话。)
- 22、When one mother realized thatcable TV was costing her $500 a year, she decided that network TV wasn't so bad.(当一位母亲意识到有线电视每年要花掉她500美元时,她觉得网络电视并不是那么糟糕。)
- 23、This box connects local infrastructure (televisions) to the cloud (thecable TV operator).(电视机顶盒连接本地基础设施(电视机)和云(有线电视操作员)。)
- 24、If you want to watchcable TV programs, you'll have to pay a monthly fee.(如果你想看有线电视节目,就得按月付费。)
- 25、You can transmit them through acable TV system along with hundreds of other composite signals.(可以透过有线电视系统把它们和其它数以百计的组合视频信号一道传输出去。)