好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的bring into effect的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条bring into effect的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了bring into effect的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、They tried their best to bring the new law into effect.(他们尽最大的努力使这部新法律生效。)
- 2、Although the consultation opinion of international court has no strict law sanction to the bring requesters, its authoritative broad influence can make it bring into play the huge effect.(虽然国际法院的咨询意见对于提出请求者无严格的法律约束力,但其权威性的广泛影响,可以使其发挥极大效力。)
- 3、GATS, taking effect after the Uruguay Round, has bring legal services, together with other service sectors, into the track of liberalization.(乌拉圭回合后生效的GATS把法律服务与其它服务部门一起纳入了自由化轨道。)
- 4、If the country were to be attacked, the Prime Minister would immediatelybring into effect retaliatory measure.(假如这个国家受到攻击,首相会马上采取报复办法。)
- 5、HLK superfine dry power and auto fire extinguisher produced by our company not onlybring into effect in fire fighting area of our country, but also be sold to Russia Middle east and so on.(公司现生产的HLK超细干粉灭火剂及自动灭火装置不仅在国内消防领域发挥了应有的作用,而且销售到俄罗斯、中东等国家和地区。)
- 6、This paper discusses how tobring into effect of the public-praise marketing on the internet for our enterprises, and also probe into the methods and paths of its implementation.(本文主要探讨了口碑营销的优势及其在互联网上实现的渠道和方法。)
- 7、They decided to bring the plan into effect as soon as possible.(他们决心尽快实施这项计划。)
- 8、The comparison makes it clear that the iterated algorithm is concise, precise and quick inbring into effect.(通过把两种算法结果进行比较,表明迭代算法简捷、运行较快、且能达到一定的精度。)
- 9、Therefore building and operating effectively the system is the foundation ensuring quality strategy tobring into effect smoothly.(因此,建立并有效运作该体系,是确保质量战略顺利实施的基础。)
- 10、Based on status quo, hospital should create beneficial atmosphere from within and without, in order tobring into effect its role in hospital management.(针对现状,医院推行管理会计需要营造内外部有利环境,共同促进其在医院管理中的重要作用。)
- 11、There is a big difference of English basil knowledge among the students in vocational school. The best way to solve this problem is tobring into effect the layered teaching method.(中等职业学校学生英语基础差距较大,解决此问题的最好办法是实施分层次教学。)
- 12、Contain natural herbal nourishing essence and PPT polypeptide combined with mountain spring, deeply penetrate into dry and fragile hair, bring three times of moisture-preserving effect.(蕴含天然草本滋润精华及PPT多肽成份,融合高山泉水,能深入渗透干枯脆弱的发丝,带来三倍保湿及水养效果。) hao86.com
- 13、Conclusions One station service can make nursing source bring into maximal efficacy, and facility patients to see doctor, receive well society effect.(结论“一站式服务”能让有限的护理资源发挥最大的效能,方便病人就诊就医,收到良好的社会效果。)
- 14、Then advise how tobring into effect.(最后对如何有效实施提出了建议。)
- 15、It will bring disastrous effect after illegal publications sneak into the library.(非法出版物流入图书馆后,会对图书馆事业造成严重的影响。)
- 16、A good control system should not only ensure stability of system and safety of production, but also can bring economic benefit when a model predictive control technique is taken into effect.(在实施模型预测控制技术的过程中,一个良好的控制系统不但要保证系统的稳定性和生产的安全性,还要带来一定的经济效益。)
- 17、If you change the value, you must restart the queue manager to bring the change into effect.(如果您更改了这个值,则必须重新启动队列管理器,以使更改生效。)
- 18、Water features along with shade structures or covered walks (trellis and pergolas) bring cooling effect into courtyards.(沿树荫道及带顶棚的小道(采用凉棚格架)会为庭院带去荫凉与清爽。)
- 19、The water penetrating into concrete may bring in a lot of harmful ions(for example chlorine ion), which has a harmful effect on concrete property and may brings into reinforcement in concrete to rust.(一些有害离子(如氯离子)是通过水向混凝土中渗入而进入混凝土中并对混凝土的性能产生不良影响,且有可能导致混凝土中的钢筋生锈;)
- 20、Because of survival period of alive-bacteria, commonlybring into effect in 3-5 days, to reach the best effect in 10-15 days.(因活菌有一定存活期一般3—5天发挥作用,10—15天效果最好,必须定期使用才能有效地调节控制水质。)
- 21、Therefore, an entrepreneur should attach great importance to brand strategy and bring it into effect.(企业家应当十分重视组织实施品牌战略。)
- 22、It is a task every teacher faces about how to bring the function of computers into play better, and to improve the effect of teaching.(如何更好地发挥计算机的功能,提高教学效果,是每一位教师面临的课题。)
- 23、They have already begun to bring their plans into effect.(他们已经开始实施计划。)
- 24、Your influence will help to bring the plan into effect.(你的影响力将有助于该计划的实施。)
- 25、These results also bring some new ideas into the traditional theories of solvent extraction salting-out effect.(对传统的溶剂萃取盐析效应提出了一些新的观点。)