- 1、He doesn't like to be ablowhard about what he's developed.(他不喜欢吹嘘他研制的东西。) Hao86.com
- 2、Don't believe his nonsense. He's nothing but ablowhard!(别相信他的鬼话。他不过是个吹牛大王罢了!)
- 3、The question ahead is whether we can get Senator Porkbelly and Congressmanblowhard to agree.(接下来的问题就看我们是否能得到伯克贝利参议员和布哈德国会议员的支持。)
- 4、Such behavior is closer to that of ablowhard who may be insecure in his own abilities, but is certain of one thing — his own brilliance.(有此行为的人更接近于一个不自信的大话王,他唯一肯定的事是自己的大言不惭。)
- 5、If Congressmanblowhard ever got his way, the snipe hunters of the world would surely fight to keep their tax break.(如果国会议员布哈德的方案曾被通过的话,那么现在(削减税式支出的行为)必然会让世界上的猎鹬者全力争取继续享有他们的抵税优惠。)
- 6、The worst kind of interviewer is theblowhard.(爱吹牛的人是最差劲的面试官。)