好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的come into effect的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条come into effect的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了come into effect的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The new regulations willcome into effect soon.(这些新规定不久即将实施。)
- 2、In this conversion process, it is no doubt that the two economic systems willcome into effect in the same time.(在这个转换过程中,毫无疑问,这两个经济体系将正式生效的同一时间。)
- 3、A new system of taxation willcome into effect next Monday.(新税法体系将于下个星期一开始实施。)
- 4、I have another question. When does the "Economic Law of China"come into effect?(我还有一个问题,中国经济法是什么时候开始生效的?)
- 5、This measure willcome into effect expeditiously once the domestic review process is completed.(中方将在履行完国内手续后,尽快实施。)
- 6、This contract shallcome into effect since both sides sign their names.(本合同自甲方盖章、乙方签署之日起生效。。)
- 7、The "key consumer benefits" willcome into effect by the end of the year, the joint statement said.(答:联合声明称,客户获益会在今年年底显现出来。)
- 8、When the document of a particular type is uploaded, all these predefined parameterscome into effect.(当上传特定类型的文档时,所有这些预定义的参数都将生效。)
- 9、If all 27 nations ratify the treaty this year, it will begin tocome into effect on Jan. 1, 2009.(如果今年全部27个成员国都通过,自2009年1月1日起该条约将正式生效。)
- 10、The contract shallcome into effect upon the signing date.(本合同自签订之日起生效。)
- 11、In Los Angeles just under half does, and that will drop steeply as new environmental lawscome into effect.(在洛杉矶,煤炭的用量则只有一半,而由于新的环境法案的实施,煤的用量将会显著下降。)
- 12、New controlscome into effect next month.(下月开始实施新的管制措施。)
- 13、The first property taxes on residential housing in several decades havecome into effect in Shanghai and chongqing.(几十年后,首次个人住房房产税将在上海和重庆开征。)
- 14、The new law willcome into effect next month.(这部新法律将于下个月生效。)
- 15、The new timetable willcome into effect tomorrow.(新的时刻表明天生效。)
- 16、When does the new timetablecome into effect?(新的时刻表什么时候实行?)
- 17、Its main provisions will notcome into effect until 2014; the Supreme Court may strike it down before then.(其主要条款要到2014年以后才会生效;并且在生效之前也可能会被最高法院枪毙。)
- 18、The law willcome into effect next year.(这部法律明年生效。)
- 19、Issue the following commands from the DB2 command Window to ensure that your configuration changescome into effect.(从DB2CommandWindow发出以下命令,以确保配置更改生效。) Hao86.com
- 20、The new timetable willcome into effect next month.(新的火车时刻表下个月生效。)
- 21、The world's first anti-tobacco treaty hascome into effect.(世界上第一个烟草控制条约已经开始生效。)
- 22、When the document of a particular type is being uploaded, all the predefined parameterscome into effect.(当上传某个特定类型的文档时,所有预定义的参数都开始生效。)
- 23、The contract willcome into effect upon signature.(此合同将在签字后生效。)
- 24、The rule willcome into effect on Monday.(这条规则会在星期一生效。)