


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:44:55

  • 1、HE should beclean-shaven, good-looking and drive a silver Mercedes. And, most important of all, he should be more than 178cm.(他必须刮光胡子、长相要英俊,最好再开一辆银色奔驰。最重要的是:身高至少要有。)
  • 2、Uncle Andrew was tall and very thin. He had a longclean-shaven face with a sharply-pointed nose and extremely bright eyes and a great tousled mop of grey hair.(安德鲁舅舅又高又瘦,一头灰发零乱不堪,刮得干干净净的长脸上长着尖削的鼻子和一双贼亮的眼睛。)
  • 3、He is clean shaven, with a pencil-thin moustache.(他的面颊刮的很干净,留着笔尖形的小胡子。)
  • 4、Edmund paramor was a medium-sized and upright man of seventy, whose brown face was perfectlyclean-shaven.(埃特孟派拉玛是一个中等身材,腰背笔直的七十岁老人,他那褐色面孔上的胡子刮得精光。)
  • 5、In Rome, a nowclean-shaven Jack meets with his boss, a stern white-haired gentleman who tells him to drive to a small Italian town to await further instructions.(在罗马,已经刮得下巴锃亮的杰克见到了他的老板,他是一个花白胡子的冷硬的绅士,他让杰克驱车前往一个意大利小城等待下一步指示。)
  • 6、In fact, in the top 10, only two of the stars wereclean-shaven, Tom Hiddleston and Matt Bomer.(事实上,前十名中只有两位男星是不留胡须的——汤姆·希德勒斯顿和马特•波莫。)
  • 7、This Benjy was a young,clean-shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality.(彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。)
  • 8、Comfortably perched, as always, Jarlaxle had the chair leaning way back, his slender hands clasped behind hisclean-shaven head so unusual for a drow!(贾拉索舒适地坐在椅子上,懒洋洋地靠在椅背上,双手交叉报在他刮得干干净净的脑袋后面(这个发型对卓尔精灵来说可是绝无仅有的!))
  • 9、As far as I can recall, he wasclean-shaven. When?(至少我记得他是不留胡子的那是什么时候?)
  • 10、He cannot fall, and he senses a figure in orange garments, with aclean-shaven head and large spectacles coming toward him.(随后他感到一个人向他走来,他穿着黄色长袍,脑袋剃得干干净净,戴着一副大眼镜。)
  • 11、If your face is clean shaven, shave regularly.(如果你的脸是刮得比较干净的,那么要定期刮。)
  • 12、Showing up to workclean-shaven is always appropriate.(去工作的时候脸上刮的干干净净的是最合适的。)
  • 13、Men, as well as women, feel the impact of fashion. Fashion leads men to grow beards or beclean-shaven, to wear wide or narrow ties, to choose single -or double -breasted suits.(男人和妇女一样,也会感受到的冲击,时尚引导男人留胡子或刮净胡子、使用宽的还是窄的领带、选择单排扣还是双排扣的西服。)
  • 14、If we don't admire a person who is wearing a beard, long hair, and sandals, we must ask whether we would prefer to see Christ pictured with his shoes shined, his hair cut short, andclean-shaven.(同时请不要忘记,如每一位女性所知,传统的衣着也在不断变化着。如果我们不尊重留胡子,蓄长发,穿草鞋的人,试问:我们是否愿意看到基督穿锃亮皮鞋,留短发,脸刮得光光的形象呢?)
  • 15、On the way he met a comfortable-looking gentleman, coming,clean-shaven, out of a fine barber shop.(在路上,他遇到一个神态悠闲的绅士,刚从一家上等理发店修了面出来。)
  • 16、I like aclean-shaven man.(我喜欢把胡子剃干净的男人。)
  • 17、As the term 'clean-shaven' implies, 'people find it cleaner, ' she says.(她说,正如“白面无须”这一词所暗示的那样,“人们觉得没胡子的人比较干净。”)
  • 18、First, the mummys head isclean-shaven. Nefertiti shaved her head so that her crown would fit snugly.(首先木乃伊的头发全部剃掉了,娜芙提提剃发是为了王冠戴上更服贴。)
  • 19、A real colonel,clean-shaven, waiting for his future wife.(一位真正的陆军上校刮光了胡子,正在等待他的未来的妻子。)
  • 20、Ancient Near Eastern art portrayed Israelites as bearded, while the hated Philistines wereclean-shaven.(古近东艺术将以色列人描绘成有胡须的,而其厌恶的腓力斯人则是无胡须的。)
  • 21、We will be sad seeing you with aclean-shaven head.(我们会感到伤心,看到干净的光头你。)
  • 22、Theclean-shaven gentleman on the couch, with the excellent posture, the pastel golf shirt, and that strangely chaste yet fiery look in his eye?(沙发上坐着位胡子刮得很干净的绅士,他坐姿优雅身着柔色高尔夫T恤,眼神不可思议地纯洁而炽热。)
  • 23、I dress good, amclean-shaven, bathe, touch of cologne - yet 30 million women rejected me - over an 18 or 25-year period.(我穿着好我胡须刮得很干净我有洗澡我有喷古龙水——但是3000万女人拒绝我——当时我是18到25岁。)
  • 24、His incisive, domineering utterance and imposing style, with his strong aquiline nose and resoluteclean-shaven mouth, give him an air of inportance.(他说话的口吻决绝、专横,态度盛气凌人,再加上他的鹰钩鼻,刮得光光的绷紧着的嘴,使他大有不可一世的气概。收藏。)
  • 25、Competitive advantage means when a condition or circumstance puts you in a favourable position - in this case, beingclean-shaven or having no facial hair.(竞争优势是指某一条件或环境令你处于有利地位。在这里有竞争优势的是不长胡子的人。)


英 [ˈkli:nˈʃeɪvən] 美 [ˈklinˈʃevən] 

