
a beam of light

a beam of light造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:25:36

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的a beam of light的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条a beam of light的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了a beam of light的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The effects produced whena beam of light falls on a crystal for varying angles of incidence can be readily visualized by a geometrical representation.(投射到晶体上的光束,由于入射角的变化所产生的不同效应,可以很方便地用一种几何图形体直观地显示。)
  • 2、The basic blaster technology of intensifyinga beam of light into a deadly bolt is scalable, and largely the same despite the differences in weapon types and sizes.(尽管武器类型和尺寸各不相同,但把光束增强为致命能量束的基本爆能技术是简便且大致相同的。)
  • 3、His experimentation started with using a laser pointer to senda beam of light through a glass of milk (an experiment I recreate below).(他开始试验用激光教鞭派手电光透过一杯牛奶(我再造一个实验段)。)
  • 4、Active motion sensors are available wherea beam of light is injected from a transmitter to a receiver and differences are detected when the beam is crossed.(主动式运动传感器可以在下面情况下使用:一束光从发射机注入到接收机,光束交叉时检测到不同。)
  • 5、Imagine two people watchinga beam of light.(设想有两个人在观察一束光。)
  • 6、Steel columns allow a horizontal gap between the two boxes, bringinga beam of light to the interior as well as views from the swimming pool.(钢柱允许两个盒子之间的水平差距,引光束照入内部并引导游泳池的视线。)
  • 7、a beam of light produced by a laser can weld metals.(激光器发生的光束可以焊接金属。)
  • 8、Once our goal to pursue and ignore it, until the day we not bian direction, look slightly, firmly in the footsteps ofa beam of light to guide us.(曾经我们向目标追逐而忽视它的存在,直至一天我们不辨方向,微微抬头,一束柔光指引我们迈出坚定的脚步。)
  • 9、In his book Autobiographical Notes, Einstein recalls how he once daydreamed about chasinga beam of light as it traveled through space.(在他的著作《自述注记》中,爱因斯坦回忆道他当时幻想在宇宙中追逐一道光线。)
  • 10、a beam of light radiating from you, lighthouse!(一束光明源自你,灯塔!)
  • 11、Visualisea beam of light pouring down from the skies.(你似乎看到,有一道明亮的光柱从天上直射下来。)
  • 12、Whena beam of light falls on the edge of an object, it is Bent slightly by the contact and causes a Blur at the edge of the shadow of the object.(当一束光照到某物体的边缘时,光不再继续沿直线前进,而要在边缘处少许弯曲,致使物体阴影的边缘变得模糊。)
  • 13、Einstein's theory of relativity can be summed up this philosophy, real words: 'a beam of light can reach the same point twice.(爱因斯坦的相对论所说的时间的相对性同时性的相对性,不是真正的时间的相对性,而是时间二元论。)
  • 14、When it's dark, in a vacuum, if a person shinesa beam of light straight across your eyes, you won't see it.(当黑暗时,在真空中,如果有人将一束光直射进你的眼睛,你就看不见它。)
  • 15、And the sun peeking through the trees is justa beam of light.(透过树枝的阳光,也不过是一簇光线而已。)
  • 16、a beam of light sweep over each still life.(一束光从摆放的静物身上依次扫过。)
  • 17、This first wireless telephone transmitted sound ona beam of light instead of electrical wires.(这是第一支无线电话,透过光波传递声音,而不再使用电缆。)
  • 18、I am grateful that I am honoured to have many good friends around advising me so that I suddenly seea beam of light .(我很感激有好朋友在身边不停地劝道才让我今日恍然有所悟;)
  • 19、Both her mother and a police officer saw her being lifted out of her home througha beam of light. The police car also recorded a large object hovering of the home.(她母亲和一位警官亲眼目睹她被一束光线从家里提升到外面,警车也拍摄到一个悬停在她家上方的巨大物体。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、a beam of light that can pull is counterintuitive to physicists, who have spent centuries studying light's ability to push.(由于已经花了几个世纪研究光的推动能力,物理学家们的直觉意识到会有一种光束能够拉动物体。)
  • 21、What if I shinea beam of light at you on the bank from my boat?(那如果我从船里投射一束光到岸上的你那儿?)
  • 22、Can we skirt Einstein's theory of special relativity and travel faster thana beam of light?(我们能否绕过爱因斯坦狭义相对论的理论使得移动速度超越光速?)
  • 23、It moves through you likea beam of light that sweeps - if only for a moment - the darkness aside.(它像光束一样穿越过你们,把黑暗扫到一旁,即使只有片刻。)
  • 24、The wonderful reality is onlya beam of light on the cliff.(美好的现实只是悬崖上的一道光。)
  • 25、In a LASER printer, a device that USES a modulator crystal to deflecta beam of light and effectively turn it on or off.(在激光印刷机中的一种装置,它利用一块调制晶体使光束偏转并将其接通或断开。)
  • 26、Appreciation isa beam of light, warm and shiny on life!(感恩是一缕阳光,温暖自己,照亮生活。)
  • 27、In electron microscopes a beam of electrons instead ofa beam of light is directed onto the specimen.(在电子显微镜下,常使用一束电子光而不是普通光线来为标本照明。)
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