好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的(be) poor at的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条(be) poor at的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了(be) poor at的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、These we tend to be poor at recalling. The trick, therefore, is to transform these grey bits of data into something colourful through the use of some energetic imagination.(这些东西事后很难回想起来,因此要将这些无趣的数据集合转换为多姿多彩的记忆对象,我们必须得借助积极的想象力。)
- 2、He was so timid that be seemed shy, he rarely went out, and he saw no one but the poor people who tapped at his pane and his cure, the Abbe Mabeuf, a good old man.(他简直胆小到好象不敢见人似的,他很少出门,除了那些敲他玻璃窗的穷人和他的神甫之外,谁也不见。)
- 3、And some people, such as the visually impaired, cannot see CAPTCHA images at all, so this technique exhibits poor accessibility, and can even be illegal in some circumstances.(有些人,比如视觉障碍人士,根本就看不到captcha图像,所以这个技巧的适用性比较差,在某些情况下甚至是不合法的。)
- 4、With the cost of food, fuel and fertiliser at historic heights, poor Swazi farmers could be back where they were last year before the planting season: unable to afford the basics to sow their land.(随着粮食、燃料和肥料价格达到历史高位,贫穷的斯威士兰农民将会回到去年播种季节前的处境:买不起生产所需的基本物资。)
- 5、Come hither, child; rest thy poor troubled head upon thy father's heart, and be at peace.(来吧,孩子;把你可怜的、困惑的脑袋搁在你父亲的胸口上,安心吧。)
- 6、If you are a young person who still lives at home or in the dorms, the answer is likely to be much different than a person who has children or an older person in poor health.(如果你还是位和父母住在一起或住在宿舍的年轻人,那与一个有孩子的人或身体状况较差的老人相比,这个答案很可能大相径庭。)
- 7、As at present, men and women in poor health would be able to retire earlier through the disability system.(在当下,健康状况不佳的男女工作者根据残疾制度将更早退休。)
- 8、Poor Lydia's situation must, at best, be bad enough; but that it was no worse, she had need to be thankful.(可怜的丽迪雅,她的处境再好也好不到哪里去,可是总算没有糟到不可收拾的地步,因此她还要谢天谢地。)
- 9、It may be lack of fertilisers, poor husbandry or agronomy, too much water or too little at the wrong time.(这可能是由于缺乏化肥、资源管理或农艺学不良、在错误的时间有太多水或太少的水。)
- 10、If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still.(你若在一省之中见穷人受欺压,并夺去公义,公平的事,不要因此诧异。因有一位高过居高位的鉴察,在他们以上还有更高的。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 11、They point out that defaults tend to occur at low points in the economic cycle, so that the years preceding a default tend to be ones of unusually poor growth by the defaulting country's standards.(他们指出,通常在经济周期的最糟时刻才会出现违约,所以,按照违约国家的标准,违约前几年经济状况就已经欠佳了。)
- 12、You will be setting your cap at him now, and never think of poor Brandon.(你现在要去追求他啦,从此再也不想可怜的布兰登了。)
- 13、Delivering better products at lower prices could be beneficial for poor consumers and could also create employment opportunities.(提供更加物美价廉的产品可以使贫困的消费者受益,而且还能创造就业机会。)
- 14、But he found himself at odds with his chief supporters-poor farmers, empowered by himself, whose land would be seized for the new car plant-and could not persuade them to accept compensation.(但是他却发觉自己与自己的主要支持者发生了分歧——那些贫苦的农民,是他使他们拥有了土地权,而这些人的土地会因为新工厂的建设而被征用——而且无法说服他们接受赔偿的方案。)
- 15、If you find that the employee is doing a poor job, there will be time to go back and get the complaining employee's input, but you should be on a track to remove the poor performer at that point.(如果你发现他们的工作表现很差劲,那么你应该回去仔细考虑抱怨者的信息,但是你应该考虑将表现差的员工开除。)
- 16、It is a moon landing that must be replicated daily at thousands of coal plants in hundreds of countries - many of them poor.(这一“登月”必须每天重复发生在上百个国家的成千上万的燃煤电厂中,其中许多是贫穷国家。)
- 17、I hope the training worked for me or, if you judge me to be a poor speaker today, at least you know where part of the blame lies.(今天是检验培训对我是否起作用的好机会,如果今天我讲得不好,也有英语联盟的责任吧。)
- 18、But others argue that with the real estate market in a tailspin, it might be a very long time before prices rebound — making it a poor market at this time.(一些人随着房地产市场的下行,价格将在很馋过一段时间之后反弹,这将使现在的市场非常低迷。)
- 19、Poor sleeping habits can be resolved if you are willing to look at what you do before you go to sleep, your sleeping environment and other factors.(如果你肯仔细关注一下你睡觉之前做的事情,你睡觉的环境还有其他因素,你就有可能改掉不良的睡眠习惯。)
- 20、In some countries, there might be little alternative supply at any price, due to poor transport infrastructure or a lack of suitable agricultural land.(在一些国家,或由于其落后的交通设施,或缺乏合适的耕地,几乎没有其他价格的农产品可供选择。)
- 21、"Ali Baba, " said he, "I am surprised at you; you pretend to be miserably poor, and yet you measure gold.(“阿里巴巴”,他说,“我对你非常好奇;你假装超级贫穷,可你却把金子拿来称。)
- 22、Tom and I used to be quite close when we were poor students at college.(我跟汤姆在念大学的时候都是穷学生,我们很要好。)
- 23、Your family would be embarrassed, your rich guests insulted and your poor guests hungry, for they would be too self-conscious at the head of the table to eat their fill".(你的家人会感到尴尬,你富裕的客人会感到受侮辱,你贫穷的客人会挨饿,因为他们做在首席的位子上会不好意思去吃他们的食物。)