好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的date from的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条date from的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了date from的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Many of the country's current problems, including crime and poor education and health care, eitherdate from that period or were exacerbated by it.(巴目前的许多问题,如犯罪、教育与医疗落后等,或肇始于那个时期,或恶化于当时。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 2、However, the value of this pledge has been reduced by the lack of an agreed startdate from which the emission cuts should be measured, making it a distant promise.(然而,这一承诺的价值却由于未能对减排测量的开始日期达成一致而大打折扣,使之成为一个遥不可及的承诺。)
- 3、The third is that the date the order is required can be used as the startingdate from which to develop the schedule.(第三,订单日期可以作为实施进度表的开始日期。)
- 4、Other features, such as extra-long forearms and flexible feet,date from deep in our primate past.(其他特征,比如特别长的前臂以及灵活的双脚,这些可以追溯到我们过去的灵长类祖先很晚才具有的特征。)
- 5、Carmen Elcira asked, beginning to panic that she had remembered the wrongdate from the encyclopedia.(卡门·艾尔茜拉问,心想别是记错了百科全书上的日子吧,不禁有点发窘。)
- 6、The great temples of Karnak and Luxordate from this time.(卡尔纳和勒克舍大祠庙就可追溯到这个时候。)
- 7、Theydate from the early Cretaceous period, which began around 145 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.(据悉,他们最早生活在白垩纪早期,亦即1亿4千5百万年前到6千5百万年前。)
- 8、For example, when users registered they had to enter the expirationdate from a credit card.(例如,当用户注册时,他们必须输入信用卡到期日期。)
- 9、Newton st Loe's oldest buildingsdate from the 15th century, and it has changed little in recent years.(牛顿·圣洛最古老的建筑始建于公元15世纪,近年来几乎没有变化。)
- 10、Gibbs is at pains to repeat that the documents alldate from 2009 and earlier.(Gibbs非常纠结,因为他在不断重复提及这些文档的日期是2009年以及更早的时候。)
- 11、Thedate from which trade of stocks is approved to begin in the stock exchanges;(股票获准在证券交易所交易的日期;)
- 12、The earliest arrowheadsdate from this time, suggesting that bows and arrows were in use.(最早的箭可以追溯到此时,显示弓和箭已经普及。有人认为弓箭的发明还要早些,因为有一块用作箭头的石块已有6万年的历史。)
- 13、Next, you need to set the effectivedate from which the document is visible in Portal document Manager.(下一步,您需要设置文档开始在PortalDocumentManager可见的有效日期。)
- 14、Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in Indiadate from the time of the Kushan empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.(在印度,许多已知最早的印度教神像都可以追溯到Kushan帝国时期,这些神像是用马图拉的斑点砂岩或Gandharan的灰色片岩建造的。)
- 15、These are letters thatdate from the fourteenth century BCE.(这些书信可追溯至公元前14世纪。)
- 16、He said a possible solution was for one of the sporting codes in Australia to change the team entrydate from January 1st to July 1st.(他说,解决这个问题的办法是将澳大利亚的招收队员入队的日期从一月份改为7月份。)
- 17、Upper Paleolithic huts from Buret, Siberia. These structuresdate from about 10, 000 BCE.(旧石器时代晚期西伯利亚buret的棚屋,时间约为公元前10000。)
- 18、It is clear, now that nineteenth-century paint and plaster have been removed, that the nave's lower buttressesdate from the twelfth century.(现在很明显,19世纪的油漆和灰泥已被除去,中殿较低的扶壁可以追溯到12世纪。)
- 19、Most of these churchesdate from between the 12th and 14th centuries.(这些教堂大多建于12到14世纪之间。)
- 20、Others, such as extra-long forearms and flexible feet,date from deeper in the primate past.(其它特征,如超长前臂和灵活的脚,则可追溯更远灵长类动物的过去。)
- 21、People clearing their houses find dog collars and want to identify them. We generally can give estimates on when theydate from.(人们在打扫老屋的时候找到一些项圈,想了解有关它们的情况。通常我们会为项圈估计年代。)
- 22、They were created between 529 and 577, while the scattered COINSdate from the Song Dynasty in the early 12th century, a time of persecution against Buddhists.(它们塑造于公元529到577年,而散落的铜钱属于12世纪早期的宋朝,当时正处于灭佛时期。)
- 23、The 120 works on displaydate from between 1922 and 1940, when Rodchenko got his last big commission, and are arranged thematically.(展出的一百二十幅作品是罗申科在1922至1940(得到最后一次委托年)拍摄的,按主题编排。)
- 24、Below, we clue you in to five crucial traits that separate the girls mendate from the ones who make them want to set a date.(以下,我们将给予5个关键提示,用来把那些想定下结婚日期的家伙从所有约会男女中区别出来。)
- 25、Alldate from colonial times, but considerable stylistic changes have been made on these buildings since they were erected.(全部可以追溯到殖民地时期,但风格已经与它们建造时相比发生了一些变化。)
- 26、This program executes a dynamically prepared DB2 SQL statement to retrieve CURRENTdate from the database.(这个程序执行一条动态生成的DB2SQL语句,从数据库中获取CURRENTDATE。)