
be stocked with

be stocked with造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:44:33

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的be stocked with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了11条be stocked with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be stocked with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Schools should promote hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette andbe stocked with appropriate supplies.(学校应提倡手部卫生和咳嗽礼仪并适当储备相关物资。)
  • 2、Officials say it would be supplied by freighters in exactly the same way that robotic cargo ships keep the International Space Station (ISS) today stocked with fuel, food, water, air, and spare parts.(有关官员说,它将由货机提供补给,方式与目前机械货船维持国际空间站(ISS)完全相同,后者储存有燃料,食品,水,空气,和备件。)
  • 3、Her fridge tends tobe stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want.(她的冰箱倾向于装满除没有她自己想要的以外的每种食品。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 4、"People like me may be making a difference in a small way," Jan McCourt, a onetime investment banker now running his own 40-hectare spread in the English Midlands stocked with rare breeds.(“像我这样的人可能正在以一种很小的方式产生影响。”简·麦考特曾经是一名投资银行家,现在在英国中部地区经营着自己的40公顷土地,囤积着一些稀有品种。)
  • 5、The Christmas Island pharmacy was well stocked with anti-depressant medication, she said, but those who required further treatment had to be taken to the mainland.(她称,圣诞岛上的药房里都是抗抑郁的药物,但是严重者必须被送往澳洲大陆救治。)
  • 6、A "virtual supermarket" consisting of posters of shelves stocked with goods is set to be introduced at London underground stations on the platform walls.(伦敦地铁站即将引进这种“虚拟超市”,把摆满百货商品的货架海报贴在月台墙上。)
  • 7、A 'virtual supermarket' consisting of posters of shelves stocked with goods pasted on platform walls is set to be introduced at London Underground stations.(伦敦地铁站即将引进“虚拟超市”,把摆满百货商品的货架海报贴在站台墙上。)
  • 8、There are typically many combinations that need to be tried, requiring expensive LABS stocked with hardware and much time spent setting up tests, so configuration testing isn't cheap.(通常有不同的典型组合需要尝试,需要有装备了硬件的昂贵实验室,并花费很多时间设置测试,所以配置测试成本不低。)
  • 9、The printer wouldbe stocked with one or more inkjet reservoirs of human skin cells, not the donor's own, sparking an allergenic reaction that would initiate the body's own healing processes.(这个打印机装备有一个或多个人体皮肤细胞“墨盒”,非捐赠者自身的细胞引起过敏反应,从而引发身体自身的愈合过程。)
  • 10、Given ingredients, a kitchen and equipment, all that is left is some time, and with a well-stocked pantry that time can be about the same as driving to Burger King and back.(有了配料,厨房与装备,其他所需的就是一些时间了,如果储备充足,时间就与驾车往返汉堡王的时间相仿。)
  • 11、If the shop is not stocked with most popular products, it will not be successful.(如果商店不备有最流行的商品,它就不会成功。)
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