
be compatible with

be compatible with造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:20:31

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的be compatible with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条be compatible with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be compatible with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Tobe compatible with the tomcat demonstration programs, the script contains definitions for three users, named tomcat, both, and role1.(为了与tomcat演示程序兼容,该脚本包含了3个用户的定义,用户名分别是tomcat、both和role1。)
  • 2、At the time of the person's decision, the person believes the order tobe compatible with his or her personal interest as a whole; and.(当这个人决策时,这个人相信这一秩序与他的或她的个人利益是会融为一体的;并且。)
  • 3、The new system willbe compatible with existing equipment.(新的系统将与现有的设备相互兼容。)
  • 4、This means that the library you end up being linked to had betterbe compatible with the code that's calling it.(这意味着您最终要链接的程序库最好与调用它的代码相兼容。)
  • 5、How do you know if a fix willbe compatible with your environment?(如何知道修复程序是否与您的环境兼容?)
  • 6、They said they were already friendly and didn\\\\\\\'t think they wouldbe compatible with some of the other people in the house.(他们说俩人已经相处得很和睦,并表示如换成和别人住一起的话会没现在融洽。)
  • 7、Using the wizard, Tom names the new PDM, and he determines that it shouldbe compatible with his DB2 LUW V9.7 database instance.(Tom通过向导给新的PDm命名,并确定它应该与自己的DB2LUWV9.7数据库实例兼容。)
  • 8、One reason is compatibility with older systems, similar to our writing code tobe compatible with legacy applications.(一个原因是要与旧系统兼容,正如我们要编写与遗留应用程序兼容的代码一样。)
  • 9、He said the technology wouldbe compatible with most smartphones, including the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone.(他说这项技术可以在大部分智能手机上运行,包括iPhone、黑莓和Android手机。)
  • 10、The new data type mustbe compatible with the existing data type of the column (SQLSTATE 42837).(新的数据类型必须与列的现有数据类型兼容(SQLSTATE42837)。)
  • 11、It has been designed tobe compatible with commonly used terrain databases.(VigilX与常用的地形数据库兼容。)
  • 12、In general, events along a closed timelike curve cannotbe compatible with an uninterrupted increase of entropy along the curve.(通常,沿着一个封闭的时间型曲线发生的事件不可能与沿着这个曲线不间断地增加的一致性相符合。)
  • 13、The types of this row structure need tobe compatible with the types of the corresponding fields that are selected.(这个行结构的类型需要与选择的字段的类型兼容。)
  • 14、These systems naturally evolve, causing newer applications to notbe compatible with older devices.(那些系统自然会升级,从而导致新版本的应用程序与旧式的硬件设备不再兼容。)
  • 15、It will probably get built into Firefox soon, and it shouldbe compatible with json2.js.(它不久就会内置于Firefox,而且应当与json2.js兼容。)
  • 16、Now, improved bedsheets are being designed tobe compatible with that technology.(现在,与这一技术相配套的改进床单正在设计当中。)
  • 17、For example, a desire to retire all SDLC tools might notbe compatible with process support requirements.(例如,丢弃所有SDLC工具的愿望,可能与进程支持需求相冲突。)
  • 18、Being listed as a revision rather than a whole new version, one would expect that it wouldbe compatible with SQL Server 2008.(由于是修订版而非全新的版本,人们期望它会兼容于SQLServer2008。)
  • 19、The new service likely wouldbe compatible with the iPhone 4, one of the people said.(该人士称,新服务可能会与iPhone4兼容。)
  • 20、What this actually does is update the project (.vbproj) and solution. (SLN) files tobe compatible with VS 2008.(实际上是升级项目(.vbproj)和解决方案(.sln)文件兼容VS2008。)
  • 21、This article instead attaches the policies directly to the client and server in order tobe compatible with the 1.4.1 code.(本文将把策略直接连接到客户机和服务器,从而实现与1.4.1代码的兼容性。)
  • 22、By necessity, the open source world has tobe compatible with other operating systems and environments.(开源环境必然要与其他操作系统和环境兼容。)
  • 23、Well, I cannot keep all the other constant because that would notbe compatible with this condition.(实际上,我们不能保证y,z都不变,因为它们之间满足这个关系式。)
  • 24、The format of input XML files mustbe compatible with the one generated from the SQL To XML wizard.(输入XML文件的格式必须符合由SQLToXML向导生成xml文件的要求。)
  • 25、In order tobe compatible with XPS syntax, SIZE can also be used in the place of NUMROWS.(为了与XPS语法兼容,也可以使用SIZE替代NUMROWS。)
  • 26、“We have the ability tobe compatible with fires, ” Cohen says. “But we mostly choose not to be.”(科恩说:「我们有能力与火对抗,只是我们大多选择放弃。」)
be compatible with基本释义

be compatible with

英 [bi: kəmˈpætəbl wið] 美 [bi kəmˈpætəbəl wɪð] 

与 ... 不矛盾; 与 ... 相容
