好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的be concerned with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条be concerned with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be concerned with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、This article will notbe concerned with the.test project, so you may wish not to generate that plug-in.(本文不会关注.test项目,所以您可能不希望生成这个插件。)
- 2、This is the condition for really the lion's share of chemistry, biology, and other kinds of changes we'llbe concerned with.(这是真正要在化学,生物学和我们将要关注的其他类型变化中占有最大份额的条件。)
- 3、If they do, they have nothing better going on in their life, and you shouldn'tbe concerned with what they think of you anyway.(果真如此,他们的生活也不会好到哪儿去!你也就不用再去在意他们对你的看法了。)
- 4、His followers must alsobe concerned with their hearts.(他的信徒也必须关注他们的内心。)
- 5、This leads to two distinct patterns you shouldbe concerned with — the managed resource pattern and the managed task pattern.(这会导致出现两种您需要关注的完全不同的模式,托管资源模式和托管任务模式。)
- 6、With the SOA approach, application developers do not have tobe concerned with the details of data management.(对于SOA方法,应用程序开发人员不必关心数据管理的细节。)
- 7、As Thomas Carlyle said, "be concerned with and do what clearly lies at hand, each and every day."(正像托马斯·卡莱尔所说,“每天留意并且做眼下可以做的每件事。”)
- 8、The client application hosted within the container doesn't need tobe concerned with these details.(位于容器内的客户机应用程序不需要关心这些详细信息。)
- 9、Don'tbe concerned with your current size;be concerned with the direction that you're traveling in.(不要在乎眼前的大小,关注你行走的方向。)
- 10、Finally, the enterprise process can'tbe concerned with individual details.(最后,企业过程不可能涉及到个体的细节。)
- 11、In the simplest case, you would onlybe concerned with de-serializing a piece of XML.(最简单的情况下,只需要关心xml片段的反序列化。)
- 12、However, if you’re lucky enough to score a seat at Sawada, you won’tbe concerned with the dipping step.(但是,如果你有足够的好运气在泽田寿司里面抢到一个座位,就不需要顾虑这点酱油的步骤了。)
- 13、We can onlybe concerned with our own area of responsibility.(我们可以只关心我们自己领域的责任。)
- 14、Users, of course, generally should notbe concerned with how rules are actually enforced.(当然,规则的实际强制方式一般不应该牵涉到用户。)
- 15、One no longer needs tobe concerned with thematizing the kinds of identity out of which one's writing has arisen.(人们不再需要作为代言人而写作,也无需担心。) hao86.com
- 16、In practice, there is no need tobe concerned with the nuts and bolts of the IBM Cognos 8 Web Services.(在实践中,不需要细究IBMCognos8Web服务的具体细节。)
- 17、The application code does not need tobe concerned with authentication information.(应用程序代码不需要考虑认证信息。)
- 18、For styling you wouldbe concerned with the values for the class attributes of the template.(就样式化而言,应该格外关注模板的类属性值。)
- 19、There are also some internal variable values showing; you generally don't need tobe concerned with those.(还显示一些内部变量值;您一般不需要关心这些变量值。)
- 20、Most users will merelybe concerned with what tags and content to put in what order to construct a valid UBL document.(多数用户仅仅关心用什么样的标签和内容,以什么样的顺序,来构造一个有效的UBL文档。)
- 21、At my age, I don't need tobe concerned with it...(到我这种年龄,就不需要关心了。)
- 22、If we were not able to picture the world in a hundred years or more, would webe concerned with global warming?(如果我们不能描绘一百或更多年内的世界,我们会关心全球变暖吗?)
- 23、Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age tobe concerned with appearances of all kinds.(女人最讨厌它,因为女孩从小就受到压力,要关注各种各样的外表。)
- 24、Some ideas maybe concerned with local operations, while others might have global or organizational implications.(有些想法可能会关注本地业务,而另一些可能具有全球或组织的影响。)
- 25、For the purpose of this article, you need tobe concerned with three JSF constructs.(考虑到本文的目的,我们需要关注三种JSF构造。)
- 26、You may notbe concerned with surviving beyond the current recession, but you should be.(你可能并不担心度过眼下经济衰退后的日子,但其实应该关心一下。)
- 27、Correspondingly, the architect need onlybe concerned with the significant elements of a technology and not the detail.(因此,构架师只需要了解宏观上的问题,而不必关心细节化的事情。)
- 28、They might alsobe concerned with other kinds of issues, for example, whether the company is involved in selling arms.(他们还可能关心其他类型的问题,例如,该公司是否涉及出售武器。)
- 29、For optimum efficiency, designers should not onlybe concerned with painting the bigger picture but also building it!(为了追求最佳效率,设计师不仅需要描描画画,还需要能把它做出来!)