


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:20:24

  • 1、Blood routine test showed eosinophilia in 6 cases,atypical lymphocytes in 2 cases and monocytosis in 3 cases.(血液常规检查显示嗜酸性粒细胞增多6例,非典型淋巴细胞2例,单核细胞增多3例。)
  • 2、So if this is an example of lobular carcinoma, I think it is veryatypical.(因此,这例如果是小叶癌,我认为是一种非常不典型的病例。)
  • 3、I'd like to buyatypical Japanese handicraft article.(我想买一件典型的日本手工艺品。)
  • 4、If the heartbeat sounds remotelyatypical, many doctors prescribe a conclusive, and expensive, echocardiogram test.(如果心跳极不正常,那么许多医生会要求做昂贵但彻底的心脏超声波检查。)
  • 5、IT MAY not yet exist, but it has already been called names—an “atypical majority”, a “marionette” cabinet.(这种情况或许还没出现过,但目前已被称之为——“非常态领先/非典型胜出”,一个“牵线木偶”(傀儡)内阁。)
  • 6、While your inexperience may beatypical in the nineties, it is not abnormal.(你在这方面的缺乏经验在90年代也许算不上典型,却也并非不正常。)
  • 7、I am anatypical sort.(我是非典型的一员。)
  • 8、The mass kissing event was to give and receive typical,atypical (between man and pet, etc) and spontaneous kisses.(这场集体亲吻活动目的是让人们彼此给予和接受正常的、特殊的(如人和宠物间等)和自发的亲吻。)
  • 9、The economy of the province wasatypical because it was particularly small.(该省的经济并不算典型,因为它的规模特别小。)
  • 10、The first requirement is the “play frame, ” which puts a real-life event in a nonserious context and allows for anatypical psychological reaction.(首先需要有一个“发笑框架”,它会把生活中的一些事置于一个非严肃的情境下并且允许我们产生非同寻常的心理反应。)
  • 11、Because, I think, it isatypical success story.(我想,因为它是典型的成功的例子。)
  • 12、Should you be concerned about your child'satypical gender behavior?(你开始担心您孩子那些奇怪的与性别不符合的行为了吗?)
  • 13、There are two serious problems with case studies — expectancy effects andatypical individuals.(然而,案例分析法存在两大严重的缺陷,它容易受到期望效应以及非正常个体的影响。)
  • 14、It used to be rare, but you can chart the rise, and it goes up with the introduction of 'atypical' antipsychotics.(本来是挺罕见的病,患病人数却明显见长,而且还随着非典型性抗精神病药物的引进不减反增。)
  • 15、That'satypical example of the success.(那真是个典型的成功例子。)
  • 16、Computer models characterized them with unusually cool temperatures, low brightness andatypical color.(在计算机模型中,它们具有极低温低亮度和反常的颜色。)
  • 17、"They said that what we had here was anatypical flu, but if the boy tested positive for swine flu, where did he get it from?" she said.(他们说我们这里是典型的流感,但既然这孩子猪流感呈阳性,那么他的病是从哪来的呢?)
  • 18、No evidence was found for use ofatypical antipsychotics for eating disorders, substance abuse, or insomnia.(没有证据表明饮食失调、物质滥用或失眠与使用非典型抗精神病药物相关。)
  • 19、However, we all know that every now and then, somethingatypical happens, such as an unexpected power failure or system lock-up.(然而,我们都知道不时地会有一些意外发生,例如意想不到的电源故障或者系统挂起。)
  • 20、Mr Obama is clearly an unusual fellow. But his spiritual voyage is far fromatypical.(很显然,与奥巴马不寻常的经历不同,他有着一个典型的信仰之旅。)
  • 21、Haignere, 51, was conscious in hospital. She had been suffering depression and displayingatypical behavior in recent days, French media said.(法媒称,现年51岁的艾涅尔在就医时神志仍然清醒,她是一名抑郁症患者,近期有反常行为。)
  • 22、In at least one way we areatypical bloggers.(至少从某种意义上说,我们不是典型的博客写手。)
  • 23、What isatypical day for you?(你的一个典型的日子是什么?)
  • 24、The case of penicilliposis marneffei was misdiagnosed asatypical tuberculous arthritis, dermatomyositis or polyarteritis nodosa.(马尔尼菲青霉菌病被误诊为非典型结核性关节炎,皮肌炎或者结节性多发性动脉炎。)
  • 25、Expectation during this long history of time that children will be better off then their parents would have beenatypical.(长时间期望的子女比父母富裕的期望就显得不合规则了。)
  • 26、atypical ductal hyperplasia is abnormal cells that grow in the milk ducts of the breast.(非典型腺管增生是一种生长在乳导管里的不正常细胞。)
  • 27、The results suggest that although autistic spectrum intelligence isatypical, it is also genuine, general and underestimated.(这样的结果表明,尽管自闭症个体智力范围是不同于常人的,但也太过笼统,且低估了这类个体的真实能力。)
  • 28、It is anatypical Spring, for you.(对你来说,这是一个反常的春天。)
  • 29、The realization of such a program, in this particular place, only composed of village houses, isatypical.(这样一个计划的实现,在这个特殊的地方,只有村屋组成,是典型的。)


英 [ˌeɪˈtɪpɪkl] 美 [eˈtɪpɪkəl] 

副词: atypically 异体字: atypic 名词: atypicality

