
at a blow

at a blow造句

更新时间:2025-01-06 08:23:52

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的at a blow的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条at a blow的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了at a blow的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、England has seemed a nation almost at war. The unrest is a blow to the police, caught flat-footed and unable to ensure order.(英国看上去就像一个战乱的城市,这次动乱对于将警署杀了个措手不及:他们无法维持秩序。)
  • 2、Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.(阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。)
  • 3、Do you think that could be anything to a man who has struck down seven at one blow?(你认为一口气打死七个的人会抓不住一根小树枝吗?)
  • 4、He also had stab trauma on his right hand and a bruise at the head that possibly resulted from a blow to the head.(他的右手上也有刺伤,同时头部有一处伤痕,头部的伤痕可能是由撞击造成的。)
  • 5、A thousand men lost their jobsat a blow when the factory closed.(工厂倒闭,一下子有一千人失业。)
  • 6、It is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus.(向熟睡的孩子发射火箭,或在公交车上炸死一位老妇人,既不是勇敢,也不是力量的象征。)
  • 7、And target-date funds -- even those designed for investors on the brink of retirement -- dealt investors a blow as all their supposedly diversified holdings seemed to go down at once.(而目标日期基金也给了投资者沉重打击,其持有的资产号称多样化,但似乎同时下跌,即便是专门针对即将退休的投资者的基金也未能幸免。)
  • 8、I meant to flash my work upon the world with crushing effect, to became famousat a blow.(我想以压倒一切的效果把我的工作公诸于世,使我一举成名。)
  • 9、The pirates captured the ship and a ton of goldat a blow.(海盗们闪电般取了船和一吨黄金。)
  • 10、After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep.(晚上吹干头发后,将头发在头顶挽成一个松松的发髻,再用卡子固定好,就可以放心去睡大觉了。)
  • 11、With Ford and GM closing that gap, if Toyota no longer has quality at its core, it could be just as serious a blow as what happened to Audi.(随着福特和通用在缩小差距,如果丰田不再把质量当成核心,它将遭受和奥迪一样沉重的打击。)
  • 12、To most listeners, the messages meant nothing but to the informed few, they could mean anything from 'blow up a section of railway line' at a given point, to 'a new SOE agent will arrive shortly'.(对于大多数听众来说,这些信息毫无用处,但是对于那些少数人来说,这可能意味着通知他们在指定点上“炸毁一节铁路”或是“特别行动局的特工马上要来了”。)
  • 13、A third, as I had seen, the doctor had disposed ofat a blow.(第三个,就像我看到的那样,被医生一刀结果了。)
  • 14、I killed two fliesat a blow.(我一下子打死了两只苍蝇。)
  • 15、Sure, I had a hard day at work, but I really shouldn't blow my top that way!(当然了,我今天工作很忙很累,但是我实在不应该那么大发雷霆。)
  • 16、Put it at the bottom of the list, because he does not think, I the current weakened state of our economy, we could sustain such a body blow.(所以这个被放在所有选择的最后面,因为鉴于我们经济目前的疲软状态,他不认为我们能够承受这样一个严重的打击。)
  • 17、Now they were peeking inside his brain to see if a mysterious shadow on a previous CT image might be an internal clot, or hematoma, at the rear of the skull, indicating a blow to the head.(现在他们向冰人的脑部里面进行窥视,看之前的CT影像中的神秘的阴影是否是一块位于后脑壳内部的结块,或血肿,如此便可表明脑部受到一击。)
  • 18、In this post, we take a look at some amazing photographs of the weirdest cloud formations that you'll ever see, that are destined to inspire your design work and surely blow your mind.(在本帖中,我们来看看一些令人叫绝的照片,它们展示出你平生所见的最千奇百怪的云结构,这注定会激发你的设计工作,而且也肯定让你心醉神迷。)
  • 19、At least I'm not being too much of a burden. I could eat meat but be a "selective omnivore" — someone who eats meat only from family farms — but that's a much heavier blow to table fellowship.(至少我不是个多大的负担,我可以吃肉,但是个“有选择性的偏食者”——只吃家庭养殖的肉——但这对饭桌交际是个更大的打击。)
  • 20、For Cynthia, the news was a blow but one softened by the knowledge that at least now she knows where her relative is.(对辛西娅来说这个消息是个打击,不过令她欣慰的是现在她至少知道了亲人的下落。)
  • 21、Prices vary from salon to salon, starting at $30 for a cut and blow-dry.(各家美发店价格不一,剪吹起价$30。)
  • 22、One would have said that, before going away, the poor man desired to give us all his knowledge, to force it all into our heads at a single blow.(这个可怜的人,仿佛想在离开这里以前,把他全部的知识都灌输给我们,让我们一下子掌握这些知识。)
  • 23、A swift implosion would be a major blow and he is expected to put huge pressure on both sides to stay at the table.(这次和谈如果顷刻瓦解,这对奥巴马将是一个很大的打击,因此他必然会向谈判两方同时施压,强迫双方留在谈判桌上继续谈判。)
  • 24、Sometimes she stopped to smile at me or blow a kiss.(有时她会停下来对我微笑或给一个飞吻。)
  • 25、Lovell spent the millennium New Year as part of a group camping out on the ice at the South Pole, fighting a wind storm that was threatening to blow his tent away.(千禧新年罗威尔是在南极度过的,他当时正在冰上集体野外宿营,需要和能把帐篷吹走的风暴搏斗。)
  • 26、If Kyoto is scrapped, it could take several years to negotiate a replacement framework, the source added, a delay that could strike a terminal blow at efforts to prevent dangerous climate change.(如果《京都协议书》被丢弃,那么将需要几年的时间来议定一个新的替代框架。消息来源补充道,任何延迟都是对防止危险气候变化的种种努力的致命打击。)
  • 27、Glass, which breaksat a blow, is, nevertheless, capable of withstanding great pressure.(玻璃尽管一击就碎,却能承受很大的压力。)
at a blow基本释义

at a blow

英 [æt ə bləu] 美 [æt e blo] 

