- 1、Our memoryballooning strategy is designed to prevent host swapping, instead directing memory pressure onto the guests.(我们的内存膨胀策略的思路是防止主机交换,把内存压力转移到其他客户上。)
- 2、But when I do finally retire, I want to continue to enjoy my life whether I'm hot-airballooning or visiting Las Vegas.(但如果真的要退休,我还是要继续享受生活——不管是乘坐热气球,还是去拉斯维加斯旅游。)
- 3、The hotel even caters to themed private parties, such as hot-airballooning, horseback riding, rafting, or visiting vineyards.(酒店甚至会提供主题私人派对,例如热气球旅行、骑马、漂流或者是参观葡萄园。)
- 4、The main meetings were best suited toballooning enthusiastics, such was the hot air expelled from the stage.(这些重要的会议最适宜热情飞涨,诸如从台上爆发出来的夸夸其谈。)
- 5、Bankers say that AK is best placed to deal with the country'sballooning current-account deficit, but not everyone agrees with its approach.(银行家认为正发党是最适合去处理该国不断膨胀的往来帐户赤字的,但并非每个人都认同它的措施。)
- 6、When this pool shrinks below 20 percent of total memory, memoryballooning is initiated.(当该池收缩到总内存20%以下,内存膨胀就会启动。)
- 7、But two weeks later, a powerful shift in mood overtook her,ballooning into an episode of postpartum depression that lasted four months.(不过两周后,这种情绪就出现了变化,持续四个月的产后抑郁有力地影响了她。)
- 8、Neither would you suffer theballooning of dollar debts that followed, for example, the sharp devaluation of the 1994 Mexican crisis.(你也不致遭受美元债务增长的麻烦,就像1994年墨西哥危机时美元急剧贬值一样。)
- 9、Spain's consumption boom andballooning current-account deficit continued unchecked because foreign lenders faced less currency risk.(西班牙的消费繁荣与膨胀的经常项目赤字得以毫无节制地持续下来,正是因为海外债权人的汇率风险减小了。)
- 10、Remember when fishing,ballooning and lifesaving were featured in the Olympics?(还记在什么时候,钓鱼,乘气球和救生曾经是奥运会的特色项目吗?)
- 11、Mr Gregory, president of Lehman until he was ousted just before the end, should have been focused on the firm'sballooning balance-sheet.(格里高利先生,直到他被革职之前都是雷曼的总裁,本应该关注到公司不断膨胀的资产负债表。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 12、Policymakers in Washington, DC, are alarmed by China's export strength and itsballooning trade surplus.(华盛顿特区的决策者被中国的出口实力和飞速增加的贸易顺差吓坏了。)
- 13、James hiked, fished, learnt to sail and experimented with hot airballooning.(詹姆斯徒步旅行,钓鱼,学习驾驶帆船,还尝试了热气球。)
- 14、These results show that the use of memoryballooning contributed to nearly a 20 percent increase in throughput.(这些结果显示,使用内存膨胀造成吞吐量增长近20%。)
- 15、ortugal'sballooning trade deficit in the late 1990s was a symptom of declining competitiveness(在葡萄牙,1990年代后期不断膨胀的贸易赤字带来了竞争力减退)
- 16、ballooning a Shared page is a mistake because it deprives the guest of resources without actually saving any memory.(膨胀已占用的页面是一个错误,因为它剥夺了客户资源而未实际节省内存。)
- 17、Tilting there momently, shrill shirtballooning(倾侧了一瞬,衬衫呼啸膨胀如气球)
- 18、The result: more than 100 million sold by April 2007, which accounts for just under half of Apple’sballooning revenues.(截止到2007年4月,苹果公司一共售出了超过1亿台iPod,占到苹果丰厚收入的一半。)
- 19、Figure 4 compares swap activity between a Memknobs run with memoryballooning and a run without.(图4比较了Memknobs在内存膨胀情况下和没有的情况下运行的交换活动。)
- 20、This is how a "ballooning" spider can end up in the ocean hundreds of miles from shore.(这就是为什么“乘气球”的蜘蛛能到达离海岸几百里的大海深处。)
- 21、We have a 5am start in complete darkness with a fearsome mountain chill - and the enemy ofballooning, rain.(我们出发时是凌晨五点,天空一片漆黑,山上寒风袭人,还下着雨,这是热气球的大敌。)