
bank account

bank account造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:33:00

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的bank account的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条bank account的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了bank account的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Or you can start to have them wire directly into yourbank account.(或者你可以直接让他们打入你的银行账户。)
  • 2、Why not yourbank account?(那为什么你的银行账户不能如此呢?)
  • 3、For example, do they have abank account?(例如,他们是否拥有银行账户?)
  • 4、She has been accused of siphoning off thousands of pounds from the company into her ownbank account.(她被指控把公司的几千英镑转移到了自己的账户里。)
  • 5、Should every child receive abank account at birth?(每个孩子出生时都该有个银行账户吗?)
  • 6、'I have my ownbank account,' she says.(“我有自己的银行存款帐户,”她说道。)
  • 7、Around age 8, kids are old enough to have a realbank account.(在孩子8岁左右时,他已经完全可以拥有一个真正的银行帐户了。)
  • 8、How much is left in ourbank account.(银行帐上还剩多少。)
  • 9、The easiest way to transfer money from a Britishbank account to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your Frenchbank account.(把钱从英国银行转到法国银行最简单的方法是银行转账:只需提供你的英国银行的名字,地址和你的法国银行的账户号码。)
  • 10、Pay with yourbank account.(用银行帐户支付。)
  • 11、Mom never learned how to drive. She never had her ownbank account.(妈妈从没学过开车,也从没有过自己的银行账户。)
  • 12、At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and opened her ownbank account.(六岁时,她开始阅读每日财经报纸,并开设了自己的银行账户。)
  • 13、Your security is not in yourbank account but in the Lord.(你的安全并不在你的银行账户里,而在于上帝。)
  • 14、I've closed mybank account.(我已经结清了我在银行的存款。)
  • 15、You'll be paid by direct credit into yourbank account.(给你的付款将直接贷记你方银行账户。)
  • 16、If you are buying a property in France, whether for a permanent or a holiday home, it is important to open a Frenchbank account.(如果你在法国购买房产,无论是永久性的还是度假时的住处,开一个法国银行账户是很重要的。)
  • 17、Also, the money received will then be offset against the trade debtors and reflected in thebank account.(同样,收到的钱也将抵销贸易应收款,并在银行帐户中反映出来。)
  • 18、He claimed his wife had drained hisbank account and maxed out all his credit cards.(他声称他老婆已经花光了他银行账户上的钱,并刷爆了他所有的信用卡。) 【好工具】
  • 19、It's already been several weeks into the semester and my paycheck was supposed to go directly into mybank account, but there haven't been any deposits.(已经开学好几个星期了,我的工资本应该直接打到我的银行账户里,但是我却没有看到任何存款。)
  • 20、I don't have abank account.(我没有银行账户。)
  • 21、Stick to abank account and debit card.(坚持使用银行账户或者是签证卡。)
  • 22、Rome was not built in a day and neither will yourbank account be.(罗马非建成于一日之内,你的银行账户也是如此。)
  • 23、You need just one pound to open abank account with us.(你只需一英镑就可在我行开立一个账户。)
  • 24、Every act of honesty is a deposit into your personalbank account and will build strength.(诚实的行为像一笔储蓄金,会存入你的个人银行账户并建立你的诚信度。)
  • 25、If you are a resident, you will find it useful to open abank account.(如果你是当地居民,你会发现开一个银行账户很有用。)
  • 26、How can I transfer money from mybank account to his?(怎么才能把我账户上的钱转到他的账户上呢?)
  • 27、I want to keep my Swissbank account open.(我想保留我的瑞士银行账户。)
  • 28、You could do a lot of shopping and a lot of damage to yourbank account on Fifth Avenue.(你可以在第五大道买很多东西,你的银行账户也会损失很多。)
bank account基本释义

bank account

英 [bæŋk əˈkaunt] 美 [bæŋk əˈkaʊnt] 

第三人称复数:bank accounts

名词银行存款; 银行往来账
