
be combined with

be combined with造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:32:43

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的be combined with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条be combined with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be combined with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Queues are limited in size, but canbe combined with Table and Blob Storage.(队列的大小是有限制的,但是它可以与Table和Blob存储组合使用。)
  • 2、This can certainlybe combined with cloud storage and cloud Web services.(它们肯定可以与云存储和云web服务组合在一起。)
  • 3、Changing the spacing would mess it up when they wouldbe combined with other characters again.(如果改变它们的间距,它们和其他字母连排的时候就会挤成一团。)
  • 4、Nevertheless everything canbe combined with a mini, jeans, blouses or flat ballerina shoes.(然而,所有衣服都可以与迷你装、牛仔裤、宽松的女短衫、平底芭蕾鞋搭配著穿。)
  • 5、BAE sees this device as something that couldbe combined with a ships targeting and radar systems to help aim the device.(BAE公司认为该设备可以同船舶定位和雷达系统联合帮助定位设备。)
  • 6、A repetition modifier mustbe combined with other patterns; the modifier has no meaning by itself.(重复修饰符必须与其他模式组合,修饰符本身没有含义。)
  • 7、They canbe combined with different toys and used in any number of positions.(可以用不同的玩具组合,也可用各种不同的姿势。)
  • 8、These actions shouldbe combined with an employer-sponsored pension scheme.(这些行动同时还离不开一个由雇主赞助的养老金计划。)
  • 9、These canbe combined with other directories listed on the command line.(这些文件和目录可以与命令行上列出的其他目录结合起来。)
  • 10、The final line establishes a location for CSS files that are tobe combined with the standard browser chrome.(最后一行为CSS文件建立了一个位置,这些文件将与标准浏览器chrome结合在一起。)
  • 11、Brackets group the filters, and canbe combined with &,
  • 12、 or !(括号将过流器分组,并且可以结合使用“&”、“
  • 13、”或“!”)
  • 14、This project canbe combined with other extensions.(该项目可以与其他的扩展联合起来。)
  • 15、This means that the specialized API approach has tobe combined with a certain amount of DOM processing.(这就意味着这种基于特定api的方法不得不掺杂一定数量的DOM处理。)
  • 16、I call this "Lean + Agile Kanban", and it canbe combined with "Agile Kanban", as shown the next example.(我叫它为“精益+敏捷看板”,如下一个例子展示的那样它可以与“敏捷看板”相结合。)
  • 17、But that has tobe combined with services that make it more likely.(但是这必须还要有让戒烟更加可能的服务相结合。)
  • 18、The static portion canbe combined with different dynamic values to produce custom text.(静态部分可以与不同的动态值组合在一起,生成定制文本。)
  • 19、Often, gateways maybe combined with business functions into a single logical entity.(通常,网关可与业务功能合成为一个逻辑实体。)
  • 20、TelePresence at home will soonbe combined with another project: sports and entertainment.(家用网真系统不久将与另一个项目捆绑在一起:体育和娱乐。)
  • 21、It can (in fact, it has to)be combined with other widgets in a program.(它可以(实际上是必须)在程序中与其他窗口小部件组合使用。)
  • 22、Many observers expected Facebook Places tobe combined with a system of hyper-local advertising.(很多观察者都期望Facebook的places功能能和hyperlocal广告系统联合起来。) 【好工具】
  • 23、Leafleting canbe combined with fundraising that will pay for the leaflet, the distribution, and project administration.(传单里面可以包括为宣传的筹款,分配,以及项目的支配。)
  • 24、Chrome OS willbe combined with the company's browser, Chrome, which it launched nine months ago.(ChromeOS系统将捆绑其在9个月前已发布的浏览器Chrome。)
  • 25、All the examples shown below can (with one exception) alsobe combined with redirection or piping as shown above.(以下所有的示例也都可以(有一个例外)结合上面显示的重定向或管道命令。)
  • 26、Anticonvulsant medications maybe combined with lithium, or with each other, for maximum effect.(为了取得最大的效果,抗癫痫药物会与锂盐共同使用,或与其他抗癫痫药物混用。)
  • 27、These values can alsobe combined with additional data using the BIRT Expression Builder.(这些值也可以利用BIRT的表达式构建器与其他数据联合使用。)
  • 28、Each component is self-contained and canbe combined with other components.(每个组件都是自含的并且可以与其他组件组合。)
  • 29、As a mechanism for describing requirements, features mustbe combined with additional context.(作为描述需求的机制,功能特性必需和额外的环境相结合。)
  • 30、And it also illustrates how it canbe combined with structured databases and data mining.(它还演示了如何组合结构化数据库和文本挖掘。)
be combined with基本释义

be combined with

英 [bi: kəmˈbaɪnd wið] 美 [bi kəmˈbaɪnd wɪð] 

