- 1、In his will he made a substantialbequest to his wife.(在遗嘱里他给妻子留下了一大笔遗产。)
- 2、In a farmers' family, for example, whenever the order ofbequest is not being respected this is being experienced as a great injustice.(在一个农民的家族中,举例,当继承遗产的序位不受到尊重时,这种经历就是一次大的不公正。)
- 3、Thebequest is conservatively estimated at $30 million.(这笔遗产被保守地估计为3000万美元。)
- 4、Mucha'sbequest to his country was received with unkindly cold shoulders.(慕夏为祖国留下的遗产受到了残酷而冷淡的对待。)
- 5、The library has received a generousbequest from a local businessman.(图书馆从当地一位商人那里得到了一大笔遗赠。)
- 6、The church here was left abequest to hire doctors who would work amongst the poor.(这个教堂接收到一笔遗产,可以用来聘请医生为穷人治病。)
- 7、We must note to protect our nationalbequest.(我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 8、He received abequest under his grandmother's will.(他得到他祖母遗嘱项下的遗赠。)
- 9、But he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of thebequest.(但是,因为附有条件,这份遗产便失去了一半价值。)
- 10、After pay variousbequest the residue of his estate is split between his children.(当偿付各种遗赠物后,他的剩余财产分给了他的孩子们。)
- 11、Nowadays, some people rely onbequest of successive a huge sum to become rich and powerful person.(如今,有些人是靠继续巨额遗产成为富豪的。)
- 12、How should digitalbequest accede?(数字遗产该如何继承?)
- 13、The church here was left abequest to hire doctors who would work with the poor.(这个教堂收到一笔遗产,用来雇用为穷人治病的医生。)
- 14、After paying variousbequest the residue of his estate is split between his children.(在支付各种遗赠后,剩下的遗产在孩子之间分配。)
- 15、This is a city that having distinctive culture and historicalbequest.(这是个有着独特文化和历史遗产的城市。)
- 16、She died in an accident and left the house to her father as abequest.(她在一场车祸中死了,房子留给她老爹。)
- 17、McCullough is a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation, as well as a Benefactor andbequest Society Member.(麦克罗也南扶轮基金会的巨金捐献者,也是捐助者及遗产协会会员。)
- 18、Ibequest to you, the memories of my vibrant days when we would sojourn with joy and laughter, free of all mal intent and discontent;(我遗赠给你我的活跃日子的记忆,在那些日子里,我们喜悦我们欢笑,没有一切不善意图和不满;)
- 19、Besides, the words Legacy,bequest, go side by side with the words, Death, Funeral.(此外,遗产、遗赠这类字眼伴随着死亡、葬礼一类词。)
- 20、Your earthly inheritance comes when somebody dies and leaves you abequest in his will;(当有人去世时,按照死者的遗嘱,你会得到一笔遗产。)
- 21、He leftbequest of money to all his servants.(他对所有的仆人都遗赠了一些金钱。)
- 22、DE Cantel objected to the Count'sbequest of one million francs, however, on the grounds that appearances would compromise her.(可是德·坎特尔先生不同意妻子接受这位伯爵一百万法郎的遗赠,说是这样做会有损她的声誉。)
- 23、He left abequest to each of his grandchildren.(他给他的孙辈每人留下一笔遗产。)
- 24、John is a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation, and a Benefactor and Charter Member of thebequest Society.(约翰是一位扶轮基金巨额捐献和永久基金捐献人并且是遗赠协会创会会员。)