
be suitable for

be suitable for造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:32:14

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的be suitable for的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条be suitable for的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be suitable for的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、An example of how the connection can influence us is when our weak-ties get in touch and pass on details about jobs they think mightbe suitable for us.(一个关系如何影响我们的例子就是,与我们有弱关系的人联系我们,并告知他们认为可能适合我们的工作的细节。)
  • 2、This maybe suitable for only some lines of businesses and for only certain types of applications.(但这可能只适用于某些业务或某种类型的应用程序。)
  • 3、Many millions have been spent acquiring the sort of forest that mightbe suitable for the bird-if it were to be found.(无数金钱已经投入到寻找可能适合这种鸟类生活的森林当中,一旦它被发现的话。)
  • 4、Once some kind of obliteration functionality is added, it shouldbe suitable for external repositories as well.(如果添加了某种类型的彻底消除功能,它也应同样适于外部存储库。)
  • 5、Tote12 bags are not recommended as they are generally too small and the material may notbe suitable for heavy items.(不推荐手提购物袋,因为它们通常都很小,材质也不适宜携带较重的物品。)
  • 6、TE: Yes, they certainly can be, the same way patterns from other catalogs maybe suitable for solving other SOA-related design problems.(TE:当然,毫无问题,来自其他目录的模式同样可以解决其他SOA相关的设计问题。)
  • 7、The application mustbe suitable for use in the home environment.(应用程序必须适于在家庭环境中使用。)
  • 8、I think math is the most obvious one that wouldbe suitable for adapting to this format.(我觉得数学是最明显的,数学能很好地,适应这种方式。)
  • 9、In 1981 few countries considered Greece tobe suitable for membership of the club, but none dared to incur the ignominy of vetoing it.(在1981年,没有几个国家认为希腊有资质参加这一俱乐部,但是没有一个国家敢招致因行使否决权而带来的羞辱。)
  • 10、So information and knowledge has tobe suitable for you to make your business decisions when you need to make them.(所以信息和知识一定要对你,适用,在必要的时候,来做生意上的决策。)
  • 11、Therefore, these Suggestions may notbe suitable for any deployment that deviates from the conditions and workloads described in this article.(因此,这些建议可能并不适合于本文中所描述状况与工作负荷所得来的部署。)
  • 12、These qualities of service shouldbe suitable for most configurations.(这些服务质量应该适合大部分配置。)
  • 13、Ask your pharmacist or GP which treatments are likely tobe suitable for you. Not everyone can safely take all the smoking cessation treatments available.(你应该问问你的药剂师或家庭医生,哪种疗法可能适合你,因为并不是所有的人都能安全地采用所有可用的戒烟疗法。)
  • 14、As it ages, these conditions may change and the area around it may no longerbe suitable for its offspring.(随着年龄的增长,这些条件可能会变,它周围的区域可能不再适合它的后代。)
  • 15、This is likely enough for a non-clustered environment, but it may notbe suitable for clustered topologies, depending on the situation.(这对于非集群环境可能足够了,但是取决于具体的情形,这可能不适合于集群拓扑。)
  • 16、4g willbe suitable for media and interactive services for which timing on the second is essential.(对于那些时间要求精确到秒的媒体和交互式服务来说,用4G再合适不过了。)
  • 17、These regions seem too dry tobe suitable for farming.(这些地区看来太干燥而不适合农业。)
  • 18、Know that each and every location is different and that a product or technology that maybe suitable for one place does not automatically make it suitable for all.(一定要记得每个地区都是不同的,而且适合某个地区的产品或技术在别的地区却不一定会完全适用。)
  • 19、I haven’t had a job interview in 9 years, but if I did, it wouldbe suitable for that, too.(九年来我就没参加过应聘面试,不过如果我参加了,或许我也会有套用来面试的。)
  • 20、The initial version will onlybe suitable for netbooks, the small, cheap laptops that have proved popular of late.(初始版本只适用于上网本,这是近来很流行的小型低价笔记本。)
  • 21、We think you are very photogenic and wouldbe suitable for our Casting Division.(我们认为你非常上镜,很适合我们的试镜组。)
  • 22、This approach would likelybe suitable for high-valued products, such as a drugs shipment for a pharmaceutical company.(这个方法对那些昂贵的东西是很合适的,例如为药品公司运送药品。)
  • 23、The office application suite was developed to use an XML saved file format that wouldbe suitable for general use, even in competing products.(org办公应用程序套件的开发目标是使用一种以xml格式保存的文件,并且该格式的文件适合于一般应用,甚至可用于竞争产品。)
  • 24、Would you consider using IRESSA in patients who otherwisebe suitable for chemotherapy? Why?(对于适用化疗的患者您是否会考虑使用易瑞沙?为什么?)
  • 25、Iran also argues that the reported scale of the facility is too small tobe suitable for a civil nuclear programme.(伊朗还辩解说,被报道的设施规模过小,连民用核项目都不适用。)
  • 26、The hope is that the new reactors mightbe suitable for use in cities or emerging-market countries.(这种新反应器能适用于城市或者农村的新兴市场。)
be suitable for基本释义

be suitable for

英 [bi: ˈsju:təbl fɔ:] 美 [bi ˈsutəbəl fɔr] 

