
be supposed to

be supposed to造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:27:01

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的be supposed to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条be supposed to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了be supposed to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.(这座山据说是传说中的路德国王休息的地方。)
  • 2、Those curly lines are supposed to be cracks in the rock.(那些卷曲的线条应该是岩石上的裂缝。)
  • 3、The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy and the development of adult identity.(大学时光应该是学生的自主性得到重要成长以及逐渐变成熟的时期。)
  • 4、Because I'm writing my senior thesis, I'm supposed to be able to keep the book all semester.(我正在写毕业论文,所以我应该可以在整个学期保留这本书。)
  • 5、Are they supposed to be pretty or smart?(他们应该拥有美貌还是智商?)
  • 6、I haven't seen it myself, but it's supposed to be a great movie.(这部电影我没看过,不过人们普遍认为很不错。)
  • 7、I was supposed to do some work this weekend but I couldn't be arsed.(这个周末我本应该干点事,不过我不愿去找那个麻烦。)
  • 8、I was supposed to be writing a letter but I'm afraid I got sidetracked.(我本来应该在写信,但后来恐怕是分心干别的去了。)
  • 9、I thought we were supposed to be paid today.(我以为我们今天会领到薪水呢。)
  • 10、Referees are supposed to pledge to be fair to all players.(裁判员应该宣誓公平对待所有的运动员。)
  • 11、I thought we were supposed to be living in a democracy.(我还以为我们应该是生活在一个民主国家里。)
  • 12、They are supposed to be here by now! I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.(他们本来现在就应该到了!我告诉大家10点15分到这里集合。)
  • 13、Taylor was supposed to be able to learn from the messages she received.(泰勒应该能够从她收到的信息中学习。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game away.(本想给人一个意外,可孩子们把计划泄露了。)
  • 15、It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city's vast sewerage system.(它应该被冲入排水沟,流入城市的巨大排污系统。)
  • 16、You were supposed to be here an hour ago!(你本该在一小时以前就到这儿!)
  • 17、Theoretically, the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf.(从理论上说,价格是要标在货架上的。)
  • 18、Formula One motor car racing is supposed to be dangerous. "Indycar" racing is supposed to be more dangerous still.(一级方程式赛车被认为是危险的。印第赛车则被认为更加危险。)
  • 19、Everyone is supposed to be for the social practice tomorrow.(每个人都应该参加明天的社会实践。)
  • 20、I tell her that it's just all right and that's how it's supposed to be.(我告诉她一切都好,这是应该的。)
  • 21、I'm not officially supposed to be here.(按公事说,我是不该到这里来的。)
  • 22、This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.(一般认为,同时具有这样一些品质极为罕见。)
  • 23、I'm supposed to be at a meeting from 3:00 to 6:00, but how about leaving it with my secretary?(我3点到6点应该在开会,但是把它交给我的秘书怎么样?)
  • 24、Geniuses are supposed to be difficult, eccentric and hopelessly impractical.(天才被认为很难相处、行为怪僻且毫无实际能力。)
  • 25、Excuse me, I'm supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one's in the classroom.(打扰一下,我现在应该在科学楼上物理课,但是教室里一个人也没有。)
  • 26、Adequate time is supposed to be spent teaching the "basics".(应该花足够的时间教授“基础知识”。)
  • 27、Are these dots and squiggles supposed to be your signature?(这一堆点点画画就是你的签名吗?)
  • 28、We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do.(我们本应该在这做生意。我有工作要做。)
be supposed to基本释义

be supposed to

英 [bi: səˈpəʊzd tu:] 美 [bi səˈpozd tu] 

