- 1、Most of theblinds were down, but occasionally the occupants of the carriages were visible.(大部分百叶窗都放下了,但偶尔能看见车厢里的人。)
- 2、Military families will keep theblinds closed on the Windows facing the driveway.(军人的家属们,依旧会将那面向车道的窗户上的百叶窗,不变地关上。)
- 3、Useblinds or blackout curtains to keep out light. Switch off or cover anything that emits light, such as an alarm clock.(在睡前灯光越暗越好,最好是一点灯光也没有,用一些黑色的窗帘阻挡灯光,替换所有会吸光的东西,如会发光的钟。)
- 4、In addition to general lighting, the box has built-in LED reading lamps while Windows are equipped with electric-driveblinds for privacy.(除一般照明外,盒子还有内置LED阅读台灯,而窗户也配备电动百叶窗来保护隐私。)
- 5、With a blow of their fists they made windows, and large yellow leaves were theblinds.(他们用拳头打出很多窗户,黄色的大叶子是窗帘。)
- 6、Mostblinds can be fixed directly to the top of the window-frame.(大多数百叶窗可以直接固定在窗框的顶端。)
- 7、Open theblinds and, if temperatures permit, slide up the window.(打开窗户,如果温度允许,坐在窗口。)
- 8、Smiling, she stood and closed theblinds.(她微笑着站起来,关上百叶窗。)
- 9、Radcliffe, 17, plays a troubled stablehand who one nightblinds six horses with a hoofpick.(今年17岁的雷德克利弗在剧中饰演一个不安分的马仔,有一天晚上他用蹄签戳瞎了六匹马的眼睛。)
- 10、Mom: Oh, it was done for theblinds.(妈妈:哦,这是为盲人设计的。)
- 11、Theblinds were drawn.(窗帘拉上了。)
- 12、The windows are closed, theblinds half-pulled, and she is not late.(窗户关的严严的,窗帘半卷,她没有迟到。)
- 13、Do not accept a bribe, for a bribeblinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous.(不可受贿赂;因为贿赂能叫明眼人变瞎了,又能颠倒义人的话。)
- 14、Pulling theblinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in.(她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。)
- 15、I'll drive or walk through your neighborhood at night, before you close theblinds, just to pick my targets.(我会在晚上开车或步行穿过你的邻居,在你关上百叶窗之前,窃得我的目标。)
- 16、More fine-tuned light control and more use and servicing ofblinds could easily ameliorate these issues.(可微调的光照控制加上窗帘的使用和维修将轻而易举地改善这些问题。)
- 17、Fake window withblinds lamp designed by Makoto Hirahara.(在假窗户上安装上百叶窗似的灯——由睦绫香发明。)
- 18、Loveblinds you to the flaws in people (you love).(你爱的是人呢,还是他/她的缺点呢?) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 19、The second accusation is that imperial nostalgiablinds Britain to the limits of its sovereign power today.(症状之二在于,英国仍旧为帝国主义旧梦所蒙蔽,无法认清它如今的势力范围。)
- 20、The accountant draws theblinds, leans over the desk and whispers: "What would you like it to be?"(会计拉下窗帘,俯身在桌前低声问道:“你想得到几?”)
- 21、Make sure that yourblinds can block out any light that might come in, and that your room stays at a comfortable temperature.(确保你的窗帘能阻隔任何光线进入,室内温度适宜。)
- 22、We used whiteblinds instead of curtains to give it a more modern and light feel.(为了制造现代和清爽的感觉,我们用了白色的百叶窗而不是窗帘。)
- 23、Greedblinds him to the coming danger until everything is too late.(贪婪蒙蔽了他的双眼让他看不到潜在的危险直到一切都无法挽回了。)
- 24、Go to sleep with yourblinds or curtains halfway open.(睡觉时让您的百叶窗或者窗帘半开。)
- 25、The house was empty today, with theblinds down and an old wooden and glass cabinet standing outside beside two wheelie-bins.(今天女孩家的没有人,百叶窗拉了下来,一个旧的木头玻璃橱柜立在门外的两个带轮垃圾箱旁边。)
- 26、They do not useblinds in their houses and the curtains do not fully protect from the sunlight.(他们在房间中不使用百叶窗。窗帘不能充分的遮蔽阳光。)
- 27、You can draw yourblinds and grunt at me on the stairs all you want, No. 7, but I can see your network just fine.(七号房间的你可以在楼梯上对我视而不见或者嘟嘟囔囔,但我却可以查看你的无线网络。)
- 28、Next time you have the option to either stay home and close theblinds or to sit on the porch with another human being.(下次你可以选择呆在家里,关上百叶窗,或者和另一个人坐在门廊上。)