
boarding school

boarding school造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:31:22

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的boarding school的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条boarding school的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了boarding school的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It's the latest in a long line of orphan literature. There's the Englishboarding school.(它是从孤儿文学那条线延续下来的最新作品,英国有那样的寄宿学校。)
  • 2、"It was school," she said. "I went to aboarding school."(“都是学校做的好事”,她说,“我去了一所寄宿学校。”)
  • 3、After startingboarding school, Alissa did not speak to her father for a number of years.(自从去了寄宿学校之后,艾莉萨长达几年没有和她父亲说过话。)
  • 4、She and her brother are both atboarding school.(她和她弟弟都在寄宿学校念书。)
  • 5、I'm afraid the children went toboarding school. My husband would never say, why should they go?(我很担心让小孩去寄宿学校,我丈夫也从来不提,他们干嘛要去?)
  • 6、His English is excellent, not least because he was educated at a Britishboarding school.(他的英语水平很高,最主要是因为他在一家英国寄宿制学校上过课。)
  • 7、Elisha Abas went to aboarding school in Jerusalem, where he practiced but gave few concerts.(于是,以利沙·拉阿巴斯进入耶路撒冷的一所寄宿学校,在那里他仍坚持练琴但很少参加音乐会。)
  • 8、Vincent Williams went to aboarding school.(文森特·威廉姆斯就读于一所寄宿学校。)
  • 9、And they had to be smart, too, by virtue of the fact that they attendedboarding school.(他们想必也是聪明的,因为他们上得了寄宿学校。)
  • 10、There was a boy who was sent to aboarding school.(一个男孩被送到寄宿学校念书。)
  • 11、Our kid was studying in aboarding school.(我们把小孩送到了寄宿学校念书。)
  • 12、Without parents, the girl is taken to aboarding school.(由于没有父母,女孩被送到寄宿学校。)
  • 13、In his small studio on West 37th Street, Mr. Wu, wore a cardigan and a necktie and looked like a truant from aboarding school.(在西第37号街他小小的工作室里,吴先生穿一件羊毛衫、带着一条领带,看上去好像从寄宿学校逃学的学生。)
  • 14、He is in aboarding school.(他在一个寄宿学校里。)
  • 15、Atboarding school, he came of age more quickly than he had imagined.(在进入寄宿学校后,他比想象得更迅速地长大了。)
  • 16、Also connected with the question of money is whether the child should go to aboarding school or live at home.(与钱有关的问题还涉及到孩子应该上寄宿学校还是住在家里。)
  • 17、There're Saint Mary's, that's a catholic school for girls and Carlton Abbey, that's a very old boys'boarding school, founded in 1672.(还有圣玛丽女子学校,这是一所天主教女子学校,还有卡尔顿修道院,这是一所非常古老的男校,建于1672年。)
  • 18、It's his parents' choice to send him to aboarding school, rather than a convenient day school.(把他送到寄宿学校而不是去附近的走读学校,是他父母的决定。)
  • 19、At the all-femaleboarding school Jane would learn the importance of female friendships.(在女子寄宿学校里,简认识到女性间友谊的重要性。)
  • 20、Everyone thought you were atboarding school.(人人都以为你在念寄宿学校。)
  • 21、The children were shipped off to aboarding school at an early age.(孩子们在幼年时就送到了一所寄宿学校。)
  • 22、I was sent toboarding school, where I spent six years of unremitting misery.(我被送到寄宿学校去,在那里度过了无尽痛苦的六年。)
  • 23、He was bundled off toboarding school.(他被匆匆送到了寄宿学校。)
  • 24、His parents made a decision to send him to aboarding school.(他的父母决定送他去寄宿学校。)
  • 25、She spent her formative years at a famous English girls'boarding school.(她是在英国一间著名的女子寄宿学校长大的。)
boarding school基本释义

boarding school

[ˈbɔ:dɪŋ sku:l] 

第三人称复数:boarding schools

