好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的body and soul的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条body and soul的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了body and soul的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、I'll go to hell,body and soul, before I look sideways after you again.(我宁可连身体带灵魂都下地狱,也不再看你一眼。)
- 2、Either travel or read,body and soul, there must be a in the road.(要么旅行,要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。)
- 3、She threw herselfbody and soul into her work.(她全身心地投入她的工作。)
- 4、She works in the medical and health industrybody and soul, saving thousands of lives.(她全身心投入医疗卫生产业中,挽救了成千上万人的生命。)
- 5、It consumes you,body and soul.(它消耗你的身体和精力。)
- 6、She committed herselfbody and soul to fighting for the cause.(她全心全意为这一事业而奋斗。)
- 7、Laughter is great for you -body and soul.(笑声对你的身体和灵魂都大有裨益。)
- 8、Thus he grew inbody and soul.(这样他在身心两方面都成长起来。)
- 9、Sports, reading a book.body and soul, do not live up to.(运动,读书。身体和灵魂,都不可辜负。)
- 10、I just want to make enough money to keepbody and soul apart.(我只想赚够钱以使身心相离。)
- 11、Thebody and soul will be reunited at the resurrection.(身体和灵魂在复活时会被重新结合在一起。)
- 12、You will love the scent and feel of it, love itbody and soul.(你一定会喜欢它的气味和那种感觉,并且喜欢它的身体和灵魂。)
- 13、Let them sink into yourbody and soul.(让它们渗透到你的身体与灵魂之中。)
- 14、To me you seem like a giant, both inbody and soul.(在我看来,无论从身体上还是从精神上你都是一个巨人。)
- 15、body and soul. One dwells in lonely places.(身体与灵魂。有一个人,住在孤独的地方。)
- 16、I cannot emphasize how amazingbody and soul is.(我简直无法形容魂体合一有多逆天。)
- 17、body and soul get strengthened in that place and life seems worth living again.(身体和灵魂在那里得到了升华,让人觉得生活依然值得。)
- 18、Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind,body and soul.(这些简单的快乐对于你的大脑、身体和四项都会有好处的。)
- 19、The winner is who gives himself to his work,body and soul.(成功者是全身心投入工作的人。)
- 20、Not only is traveling fun, it nurtures thebody and soul.(旅游不但充满乐趣,而且还对身心很有益。) hAo86.com
- 21、We have to take care of our own mind,body and soul.(我们要照顾自己的头脑,身体和灵魂。)
- 22、She hardly eats enough to keepbody and soul together.(她没有足够的食物来维持生命。)
- 23、They barely have enough money to keepbody and soul together.(他们仅有活命的钱。)