


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:26:16

  • 1、We'reblessed with five lovely grandchildren.(我们很有福气,有五个可爱的孙子孙女。)
  • 2、Tom went about, hoping against hope for the sight of oneblessed sinful face, but disappointment crossed him everywhere.(汤姆四处走动,抱着一线希望,只希望能看到一张被上帝放过的邪恶的脸,可是无论何地都令他失望。)
  • 3、Jeff truly feelsblessed that he was able to earn his wife's love all over again.(杰夫真的感到很幸福,他能够重新赢得妻子的爱。)
  • 4、blessed are the poor.(神贫的人是有福的。)
  • 5、"How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to ourblessed Empress," said an old knight.(一位老骑士说:“这只鸟使我想起了我们逝去的皇后的八音盒。”)
  • 6、We're glad you spent this time with us, and we hope you have ablessed and peaceful day.(我们很高兴你和我们一起度过了这段时间,我们希望你有一个幸福和平的一天。)
  • 7、Where is thatblessed shore?(那该死的海岸在哪儿呢?)
  • 8、What ablessed land that must be!(那一定是一片福地!)
  • 9、There was gold, pure virgin gold in thatblessed kiss.(这个幸福的吻里有金子,纯洁的金子。)
  • 10、The Lord giveth and the Lord hath taken away—blessed be the name of the Lord!(耶和华所赐的,他已经收回。感谢上帝!)
  • 11、We're glad you to spend this time with us, and we hope you have ablessed and peaceful day.(我们很高兴你能和我们一起度过这段时间,我们希望你有一个幸福和平的一天。)
  • 12、blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(有福的是精神贫乏的人,因为他们的是天国。)
  • 13、He was notblessed, like the professor, with years of scholarship and quiet offices and leather books.(他不像教授那样幸运,有多年的奖学金、安静的办公室和皮面的精装书。)
  • 14、It can make fine visual distinctions because it isblessed with one million cones per square millimeter in its retina.(它的视网膜上每平方毫米有一百万个视锥细胞,所以它能分辨出很细微的视觉差别。)
  • 15、The fire burned with suchblessed influence; it warmed so delightfully.(火的力量如此强大,令人令人幸福;火焰温暖宜人。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 16、Despite unemployment and the loss of her home, Andrea Clark considers herself ablessed and happy woman.(尽管失去了工作和自己的家,安德里亚克拉克还是认为自己是一个幸福快乐的女人。)
  • 17、"Yes, but it is a chain, friend, which ensures you theblessed bread of existence," answered the poet.(“是的,不过这是一条锁链,朋友,它能确保你有面包吃。”诗人回答说。)
  • 18、Their union wasblessed with six children.(他们婚后幸得六个儿女。)
  • 19、Both areblessed with an uncommon ability to fix things.(俩人都有幸具有不寻常的修理东西的能力。)
  • 20、At the festival, candles areblessed and sprinkled with holy water.(在节日里,蜡烛被圣化并被洒上圣水。)
  • 21、The birth of a live healthy baby is a trulyblessed event.(生一个活泼健康的孩子确实是一件幸运的事。)
  • 22、We areblessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.(我们拥有新的机遇,也面临新的挑战。)
  • 23、I have no head for figures, but my sister isblessed with a superb head for figures.(我不擅长算术,而我妹妹却有一个精于数字运算的超级脑袋。)
  • 24、When the Fisherman pulled the net out of the sea, he cried out joyfully: "blessed Providence!"(渔夫把网从海里拉出来后,高兴地喊道:“上帝保佑!”)
  • 25、She'sblessed with excellent health.(她身体很好,是一种福气。)
  • 26、The priestblessed the bread and wine.(神父祝圣了面饼和葡萄酒。)
  • 27、In thatblessed place, there is no such thing as study.(在那个神圣的地方,没有学习这回事。)
  • 28、I can't see ablessed thing without my glasses.(我不戴眼镜根本看不清什么东西。)


英 ['blesɪd] 美 ['blesɪd] 

副词: blessedly 异体字: blest 名词: blessedness

