
bring into being

bring into being造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:30:52

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的bring into being的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了20条bring into being的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了bring into being的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It took one crisis to bring the stabilisation fund into being.(一次经济危机才使得稳定基金得以建立。)
  • 2、For example some people are so frightened of getting a serious illness and worry about it so much, that they actually bring it into their being.(举个例子,一些人如此的害怕得到某些严重的疾病,并且担心它的灾难结果,那么他们就会真切的把这些疾病带入到他们的身体中。)
  • 3、I will bring goodness and joy and always try to bring my being into a higher awareness so I can truly become one with my spirit on all levels.(我将带来善良和喜悦并且一直努力使我的存在进入一个更高的意识,这样在所有的层面上我能与我的精神真正成为一。)
  • 4、Everything that is going to bring the changes into being are focused upon, and it is leading you into the new vibrations in preparation for Ascension.(每一件会使改变发生的事物都在被关注中,它正带领你们进入为扬升做准备的新振动中。)
  • 5、There is a fact still more astounding: The absence of a master mind, of anyone dictating or forcibly directing these countless actions which bring me into being.(这里的事实依旧是相当惊骇的:这里缺少一个策划者,没有人命令或者是强行指挥将我带到这个世界上。)
  • 6、Let My Presence bring order to your thoughts, infusing Peace into your entire being.(让我的同在带给你秩序,我的平安也会充满你整个人。)
  • 7、To create means "tobring into being, to cause to exist" something each of us does daily.(创造的意思是“使形成,使存在”——这是我们每天都做的事情。)
  • 8、Here's wishing that each of you can find the courage to create your own future vision, then willingly step through the door of choice to bring that vision into being.(祝各位都能找到设计未来远景的勇气,然后借着意志力,穿过选择之门,将远景变为现实。)
  • 9、As an ascending being, one can also bring minerals into one's presence, and augment one's ascent.(作为一个提升存在,你也能把矿石带进你所在之处,并且增大你的提升。)
  • 10、How does this mound of meatbring into being her comprehension of the doctor's question, and her ability to respond to it?(这样的一堆肉是如何理解医生的问题,它又是为何有能力应答的呢?)
  • 11、The previous basement parking space being reprogrammed and renovated into library and gallery. This action regenerates the space and bring new public space indoors.(以往的地下停车空间被重新改造并更新为图书馆和画廊。这一方式为空间注入了活力并且为室内提供了新的公共空间。)
  • 12、Try to bring a social element into the experience instead of being a rigid soldier.(试着把社会元素添加到你的经历中,而非做一个死板的士兵。)
  • 13、Man can no more direct these millions of know-hows to bring me into being than he can put molecules together to create a tree.(人是不可能指挥这成百上千万的实际知识聚集到一起造出我来的,就像他不可能把分子聚合到一起造出一棵树一样。)
  • 14、No matter how you shoot it or cut it, you will bring something of yourself into your movies, just as the old saying goes about everything being imprinted with ideology.(不管你怎么拍怎么剪,你都会把你自己的一些东西带到影片中去。正如俗话所说,每件事情都会打上意识的烙印。)
  • 15、Tweaking an expected return here or a mortality rate there could magically bring both into balance, often without shareholders, policyholders or regulators being any the wiser.(从依赖预期回报率转向死亡率能够有效地平衡资产负债,而不需依赖股东、保单持有人或监管者的智慧。)
  • 16、Being honest, even when it's not particularly easy, will gain you more respect in the long run and will never bring your integrity into question.(但即便在困难的时候,也还是保持诚实吧,因为在将来它会为你赢得更多尊重,而且永远不会使你的诚实正直遭受质疑。)
  • 17、That way you help bring it into being and there is no more that can be asked of you.(这样你们就帮助把它带进现实中,再没有比这可以期望你们更多的了。)
  • 18、Remember, you can'tbring into being what you can imagine.(记住,你可不能将想象出的结果变为现实。)
  • 19、Customers can bring shoes of any brand into an Adidas store to be shredded and turned into alternative fuels for energy creation instead of being burned as trash.(顾客可以把任何品牌的鞋子带进阿迪达斯店,将其粉碎制成可替代能源,而不是当成垃圾烧掉。)
  • 20、The beauty of a line is in its result, in the form which it helps tobring into being.(线条的美在于它的效果,在于借由它而生发出来的形式。)
bring into being基本释义

bring into being

英 [briŋ ˈɪntuː ˈbi:ɪŋ] 美 [brɪŋ ˈɪntu ˈbiɪŋ] 

