
but then

but then造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:25:13

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的but then的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条but then的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了but then的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、but then we had the accident.(但是后来我们遇到了意外。)
  • 2、but then — why not be happier?(那么——为什么不更幸福些?)
  • 3、but then someone found oil in Texas.(不过有人在得克萨斯发现了石油。)
  • 4、but then when we turned right, he turned left.(但当我们转向右边的时候他却转向左边。)
  • 5、I started to dialbut then hung up.(我开始拨号,但后来挂断了电话。)
  • 6、Some people fall asleep easily,but then wake up time after time.(有些人很容易睡着,但是会醒很多次。)
  • 7、We might buy itbut then again we might not.(我们可能买,不过也可能不买。)
  • 8、but then people kept text-messaging me, so I felt obliged to learn how to text-message.(但后来人们一直给我发短信,所以我觉得有必要学习如何发短信。)
  • 9、She was early,but then again, she always is.(她到得早,不过话又说回来了,她总是早到。)
  • 10、I was really embarrassed,but then I saw the funny side of it.(我确实感到尴尬,但接着我发现了事情好笑的一面。)
  • 11、At first she demurred,but then finally agreed.(她开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。)
  • 12、I know it,but then there's another thing.(我知道,但还有一件事。)
  • 13、He got scared at first,but then he tried to calm down.(起初他很害怕,但后来他努力使自己平静下来。)
  • 14、He might agree.but then again he might have a completely different opinion.(他可能同意,但也可能会意见完全相反。)
  • 15、but then the ropes broke.(但就在这时,绳子断了。)
  • 16、We went through school and college together,but then our paths diverged.(我们从小学到大学一直在一起,但后来就分道扬镳了。)
  • 17、My husband spends hours in the bathroom,but then again so do I.(我丈夫总在浴室泡数小时,不过话说回来,我也一样。)
  • 18、I think it's an excellent article,but then I'm prejudiced—I wrote it.(我认为那篇文章相当出色;不过,我有些偏心—那是我写的嘛!)
  • 19、He was a fine young man,but then so had his father been.(他是个不错的年轻人,不过他父亲也曾是这样。)
  • 20、but then there are constraints.(但是还有更多的限制。)
  • 21、I was going slowly at firstbut then I started to slide very fast.(一开始我滑得很慢,但后来我开始快速滑动。) (好工具
  • 22、She did a year at college,but then dropped out.(她在大学读了一年书,但后来就辍学了。)
  • 23、but then, how does its heart beat?(那它的心脏是怎么跳动的呢?)
  • 24、The police followed the robbers to the airportbut then the trail went cold.(警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。)
  • 25、Everything was going wellbut then we hit trouble.(原本一切都进行得很顺利,但后来我们遇到了麻烦。)
  • 26、"Oh,but then I would not care about this coming," said the child.(“噢,不过到时候我才不会在乎这个呢!”孩子说。)
  • 27、He sounded sincere,but then, he always did.(他听起来很诚恳,不过,话说回来,他一贯如此。)
  • 28、but then you get disease, particularly from human waste.(但是当时人若生病了,很可能是来自于人们的排泄物。)
  • 29、but then he died in an accident.(可接着他死于一场事故。)
  • 30、He thought about giving up his job,but then common sense reasserted itself.(他曾想放弃这份工作,但后来还是理智占了上风。)
but then基本释义

but then

英 [bʌt ðen] 美 [bʌt ðɛn] 

但另一方面; 然而
