1、The roomburst into laughter; the man looked puzzled and hurt.(房间里爆发出一阵笑声;那人看上去既困惑又受伤。)
2、When he heard the news, heburst into laughter.(当他听到那个消息后,他突然大笑起来。)
3、"Haha point" refers to the threshold where you can be amused andburst into laughter.(“哈哈点”指的是你能被逗乐并放声大笑的临界点。)
4、Motherburst into laughter, and then into tears.(母亲突然笑了,然后又哭了起来。)
5、Heburst into laughter, not hollow laughter now, but honest laughter.(他突然大笑起来,不是空洞的假笑,而是货真价实的笑声。)
6、Her humorous story made meburst into laughter sometimes.(她的幽默故事有时使我突然大笑起来。)
7、Seeing the funny picture, the whole classburst into laughter.(看到这张有趣的照片,全班同学都突然大笑起来。)
8、All of a sudden, sheburst into laughter.(她突然大笑起来。)
9、Upon hearing the funny story, everybodyburst into laughter.(听了这个滑稽的故事,大家都哈哈大笑。)
10、As the comedian appeared, the audienceburst into laughter.(喜剧演员一上台,观众就爆发出一阵笑声。)
11、When I told the joke everyoneburst into laughter.(当我说这笑话时每个人都忍不住大笑起来。)
12、As they listened theyburst into laughter.(他们听着听着不觉哈哈大笑起来。)
13、I could not help butburst into laughter.(我忍不住大笑了起来。) 【好工具hao86.com】
14、The whole crowdburst into laughter at Pat's ready answer.(对帕特的回答,人群中爆发出一阵嘲笑。)
15、Everybodyburst into laughter!(大家哈哈大笑起来!)
16、The audienceburst into laughter because of the slip of the tongue from the host.(由于主持人的口误,观众哄堂大笑。)
17、Hank's humorous joke made meburst into laughter.(汉克幽默的笑话让我笑了出来。)
18、The roomburst into laughter.(此情此景使屋里的人顿时笑作一团。)
19、The womenburst into laughter.(一伙女人们哈哈大笑。)
20、Mother tried to say something in English but it came out all wrong and we allburst into laughter and decided to forget it!(妈妈想用英语说点什么,但全说错了,我们都大笑起来并决定忘了它!)
21、They allburst into laughter.(他们都大笑起来。)
22、Childrenburst into laughter when seeing Animal United.(看《动物总动员》的时候,孩子们时不时人笑起来。)
23、This comedy made all of usburst into laughter.(这出喜剧使我们所有人都大笑起来。)