
by and by

by and by造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:30:27

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的by and by的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条by and by的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了by and by的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It'll be overby and by, maybe.(它也许很快就会结束的。)
  • 2、But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto himby and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat?(你们谁有仆人耕地,或是放羊,从田里回来,就对他说,你快来坐下吃饭呢。)
  • 3、by and by in came the masters of the cottage.(不久,农舍的主人们来了。)
  • 4、by and by, out of the stillness, little, scarcely perceptible noises began to emphasize themselves.(后来,在寂静中,有一点几乎听不见的声音开始增强了。)
  • 5、Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by 4.3%.(采矿业增长了9.1%,制造业增长了9.4%,服务业增长了4.3%。)
  • 6、Users therefore can search by title, by author, by subject, and often by keyword.(所以用户们可以根据标题、作者、主题,经常是关键字来搜索。)
  • 7、by and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object.(渐渐地,暴风雨耗尽了它的力量,没有达到目的就消失了。)
  • 8、He'll come roundby and by.(他会慢慢想通的。)
  • 9、by and by Tom shouted: "Fall!"(后来,汤姆喊道:“倒下去!”)
  • 10、This world is training workers, that there may be no shirkers in the continuousby and by.(这个世界正在训练工人,不久以后,也许不会有持续开小差的人。)
  • 11、When he laughed, was witty, in a merry humor, one could scarce sees his eyes, andby and by, when he was serious and positive, he opened his eyes round.(当他笑时,他是睿智的,带有令人愉快的幽默,都看不见他的眼睛了,不一会儿,他变得严肃和积极了,便圆睁着眼睛。)
  • 12、by and by the hemp grew up and was made into cord, and of the cords nets were made, and many a Bird that had despised the Swallow's advice was caught in nets made out of that very hemp.(大麻渐渐长大了,后来被搓成了绳子,绳子又被结成了网。许多对燕子的劝告满不在乎的鸟儿正是被这用大麻编成的网捉住的。)
  • 13、He was a printer by trade and naturalist by avocation.(他在印刷厂工作,同时是个博物学爱好者。)
  • 14、by and by the days turned cold.(渐渐的,天变冷了。)
  • 15、He was a loner by nature and by inclination.(他天性不喜交际,且自己也无意于此。)
  • 16、The story about him became smaller and faded from the public eyeby and by.(关于他的传闻逐渐从公众的视野中消失了。)
  • 17、They got scorched outby and by, and drearily set about getting breakfast.(他们不久就被晒得浑身燥热,无精打采地弄早饭吃。)
  • 18、"Oh no, Joe, you'll feel betterby and by," said Tom.(“哦,不,乔,你慢慢就会感觉好些的。”汤姆说。)
  • 19、by and by he neglected the passage of time.(渐渐地他就忽略了时间的快慢。)
  • 20、by and by their pulses slowed down, and Tom whispered, "Huckleberry, what do you reckon'll come of this?"(过了一会儿,他们的脉搏平缓了下来,汤姆低声说:“哈克贝利,你想这事结果会怎么样?”) 【好工具】
  • 21、by and by attention ceased from him, and the accustomed school murmur rose upon the dull air once more.(渐渐地,大家的注意力不再集中在他身上,学校里惯有的低语声又在沉闷的空气中响起。)
  • 22、thei adhere about in the appearance boilerplate while newer cossack trend cameby and by.(关于坚持使用更为样板,而新的外观趋势,和哥萨克来了。)
  • 23、No patience to wait 'tillby and by.(没有耐心等到不久以后。)
  • 24、8 is divisible by 2 and 4, but not by 3.(8可被2和4除尽,但不能被3除尽。)
  • 25、Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations.(女性往往受家庭职责及低期望值约束。)
  • 26、by and by she met an old man with a beard.(她不久就碰到了一个大胡子老头。)
  • 27、by and by the young lady came out, passed Jimmy again, pretending not to see him, and went on her way.(过了一会儿,那个小姐走了出来,又从基米的身边走过,假装没有看见他的样子,只顾走自己的路。)
  • 28、Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.(夜间活动的动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。)
by and by基本释义

by and by

英 [bai ænd bai] 美 [baɪ ənd baɪ] 

