- 1、On the voyage of life, he thought, one is often caught in such squalls, squalls which Cancapsize one's little boat.(人生的旅途中也就时时会遇到这种不作美的转换方向的风,将人生的小帆船翻倒!)
- 2、Provides the most ballast to resist capsizing and ensure recovery from acapsize.(提供最大压载力,抵抗侧倾覆的可能性,并保证侧倾覆后能及时回位。)
- 3、In addition, in suitable weather conditions, icing of sea spray causes hazards to the ship that can not be ignored, or even leads the ship tocapsize.(另外,在适宜的气象条件下,海浪飞沫积冰对中小型船舶产生不容忽视的危害,甚至导致船舶倾覆。)
- 4、Face those waves head on just like a boat, or else you'llcapsize.(面对挫折就好比迎着海浪前进的航船,一不小心就会倾覆。)
- 5、Not sure if this difference between companies to sell off the island of Hainan is tocapsize the affirmative.(不知道这之间的区别公司卖掉了海南岛是倾覆是肯定的。)
- 6、They say frightened passengers moved towards one side of the vessel causing it tocapsize.(他们说,害怕乘客对一方提出的船只倾覆造成它。)
- 7、This is not stopping the boat, but making sure it doesn'tcapsize.(这不是要船停滞不前,而是确保它不会倾覆。)
- 8、If there are too many people on the canoe, it maycapsize.(如果太多的人乘坐一艘独木舟,它可能会翻覆。)
- 9、Don't rock the boat or it willcapsize!(不要摇晃小船,否则它会翻的。)
- 10、The result will be tocapsize yet more small businesses.(其结果将是翻船更多的小企业。)
- 11、We were afraid (that) we were going tocapsize the boat.(我们担心会把船弄翻。)
- 12、A sudden strong windcapsize their boat.(突然一阵强风弄翻了他们的船。) Hao86.com
- 13、A spectacularcapsize during training saw China Team's AC45 catamaran racing boat effectively disabled, with a badly broken sail and damage to one of the hulls.(训练期间,一次惊心动魄的翻船让中国之队的AC45双体船功能受到很大损伤,一只帆严重受损,一部分船身也有损伤,幸运的是没有队员受伤。)
- 14、Provides no (unweighted board) or less (weighted board) ballast, compared to a fixed keel, to resist capsizing and ensure recovery from acapsize(比起固定龙骨而言,它只能提供零压载(无负重龙骨板)或少量压载(带负重龙骨板),因此在抵抗倾覆和从倾覆中归位方面较为不利)
- 15、Be careful not tocapsize the boat.(小心不要使船倾覆。)
- 16、A stately liner can sail serenely through turmoil that wouldcapsize even the sturdiest small vessel.(一艘宏伟邮轮可以安然驶过动荡,而小船,即便是最坚固的,也不堪一击。)
- 17、The boat willcapsize if you don't sit down.(你要是不坐下,船就要翻了。)
- 18、Currents draw water under the booms, while waves splash the oil over; strong windscapsize or sink them.(洋流卷起水栅下的海水,同时海浪也拍打着原油;强劲的海风将水栅倾覆或者沉入海中。)
- 19、"Because it adheres to the surface of the water, it cannotcapsize," he said, "So it can withstand quite severe weather."(“由于它紧紧吸附于水面,翻船是不可能的。”Biderman说,“因此,它能挺过相当恶劣的天气。”)
- 20、If a ketch had larger sails than an equivalent sloop, it would heel more (making sailing less efficient) and be more likely tocapsize.(如果双桅帆船拥有比同等尺寸的单位帆船更大的帆,它在航行时会倾斜得更多,使得航行效率变低,也更容易翻船。)