


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:24:14

  • 1、I'm calling to let you know about our new line ofceramic tile.(我打电话来是问您推荐我们的新瓷砖。)
  • 2、ceramic composites can also withstand hotter temperatures than metal alloys can.(合成陶瓷比合成金属更能承受高温。)
  • 3、When nuking food, place it in microwave-safe containers, preferably glass orceramic.(当用微波加热食物,将它放在微波专用容器中,用玻璃或陶瓷容器更好。)
  • 4、It looked like a German beer bottle with aceramic plug, and there was a message inside.(它看上去是个有陶瓷瓶塞的德国啤酒瓶子,而且里面有一封信。)
  • 5、Well over half of those ships were carrying cargo stored in largeceramic jars, many of which were preserved largely intact on the ocean floor.(这些船只中有一半以上装载着储存在大型陶瓷罐子里的货物,其中许多罐子被完好无损地保存在海底。)
  • 6、It's detailed with soft scrolls and an ornateceramic disk.(它有柔软的卷轴和一个绚丽的瓷托盘。)
  • 7、Theceramic fish trivet is something my grandparents bought when they visited Norway.(鱼形的锅垫是我的祖父母去挪威旅行的时候买的。)
  • 8、An infant girl sits on a largeceramic pot while toilet training.(一个小女孩坐在一个大陶瓷壶上进行马桶训练。)
  • 9、Then I studiedceramic engineering at school.(然后我又在学校攻读陶瓷工程学。)
  • 10、Theceramic Market at the gap space on a historicceramic street of Osaka, Japan.(日本大阪历史悠久的陶瓷品市场在夹缝中重现。)
  • 11、One of Mum'sceramic angel figurines fell from the knick-knack shelf.(妈妈的一个天使陶瓷俑也从摆设架上掉了下来。)
  • 12、The imperial court commissioned work and in the Yuan dynasty (A.D. 1279-1368) an imperialceramic factory was established at Jingdezhen.(朝廷委任工作,在元朝(公元1279-1368年)时,朝廷在景德镇建立了一个皇家瓷窑。)
  • 13、On the ceiling one may seeceramic insulators. Interesting, what this room was for.(天花板上有陶制的绝缘体。真有趣,不知这个房间有何用途。)
  • 14、We'll now look at anotherceramic which is made from mixing sand with minerals and heating to over 600 degrees Celsius.(现在我们来看看另一种陶瓷,它是由沙子和矿物质混合,再加热到600多摄氏度制成的。)
  • 15、Tiled roofs andceramic tile floors.(屋顶用瓦铺就,而地面是瓷砖打造。)
  • 16、Dust unto dust, the saying goes - and books, hat boxes andceramic figurines unto dust.(正如老话说的,尘归尘,土归土。书籍、帽盒和陶瓷雕像都会返璞归真。)
  • 17、Porousceramic materials on the base of strontium zirconate were developed with zirconium dioxide, baddeleyite powder, and granular polystyrol.(以锆酸锶为基体,采用二氧化锆、巴德雷石粉和粒状聚苯乙烯为原料,制备了多孔陶瓷材料。)
  • 18、Also found were a number ofceramic items, finely decorated with geometric patterns.(另外还有许多有几何图案精细纹饰的陶器。)
  • 19、These handcraftedceramic Lily plates will make a great addition to your wall or tabletop.(这些手工陶瓷百合果盘会给你的墙壁和餐桌增色不少哦。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、This is especially true for theater -represented by this 13th centuryceramic display.(对于剧场来说特别是这样---反映在这个13世纪的陶瓷陈设里。)
  • 21、That twenty-oneceramic dog figurines were discovered during the excavating of a 1,000-year-old Hohokam village in Tempe, Arizona, has nearly doubled the number of these artifacts known to exist.(在对亚利桑那州坦佩的霍霍坎村进行挖掘时,发现了21件陶制狗像,这使得已知的狗像数量增加了近一倍。)
  • 22、The tables were inset withceramic tiles.(桌子上镶嵌着瓷砖。)
  • 23、The pavilion uses air purification and antibacterialceramic tiles.(意大利馆使用空气净化装置和抗菌瓷砖。)
  • 24、The walls and floors are clad withceramic tiles.(墙面和地板都贴上了瓷砖。)
  • 25、Think about the word “ceramic”… What associations with this word appear in your mind?(想想“陶瓷”这个单词……你脑海中会联想到什么?)
  • 26、Taihu region is one of the Chineseceramics bases, of which the world-famous Yixing clay teapot is produced by Yixing'sceramic manufacturers.(太湖地区是中国陶瓷生产基地之一,举世闻名的宜兴陶土茶壶就是由宜兴的陶瓷生产厂家生产的。)
  • 27、ceramic fuel cells offer many advantages over other energy systems.(与其他能源系统相比,陶瓷燃料电池有很多优势。)


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