
cash in on

cash in on造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:29:47

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的cash in on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条cash in on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了cash in on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It was the smooch worth a potential "$10 million"- but Scott Jones, the Australian Romeo doesn't want tocash in on it.(这一“吻”潜在价值1000万美元,但被称为“澳大利亚的罗密欧”的司各特•琼斯不想把这种价值变现。)
  • 2、Craig Franco hopes tocash in on it with his Utah Gold and Silver Depository, and he thinks others will soon follow.(克莱格·弗兰克(CraigFranco)希望利用其犹他金银储蓄所大赚一笔,并且他认为人们很快也将仿效。)
  • 3、Australia's robust economic expansion in recent years saw many investors flock to the country in an attempt tocash in on its growth.(近年来,澳大利亚强健的经济扩张使大批投资者云集于此,试图凭借其经济增长获得收益。)
  • 4、Evazan's habit of bragging about his crimes nearly had him captured twice by enterprising crime lords wanting tocash in on his bounty.(由于习惯于吹嘘自己的犯罪行为,因此埃瓦赞几乎两次被善于做生意的黑社会头目逮捕,他们希望把他的赏金变现。)
  • 5、The physical market lacked activity, but some speculators could be tempted tocash in on gold's gains.(现金市场缺少活动,但是一些投机有可能会被诱惑提现黄金套利。)
  • 6、It's one of the cheapest times to borrow but it's not as if consumers are flocking tocash in on low interest rates.(尽管现在的借款利率已达最低,但这并不意味着消费者就会趋之若鹜,抓住这一机会大把地借钱。)
  • 7、Certain big oil companies attempted tocash in on the energy crisis.(某些大石油公司企图从能源危机中捞到好处。)
  • 8、Many West End stores have appointed assistants who speak Mandarin to helpcash in on the massive new market。(许多希望奢侈店已经规定店员必须学会普通话,以此更好融进广阔的中国人的市场。)
  • 9、No other country is better placed tocash in on the global craze for biofuels.(由于全球对生物燃料的狂热,现在巴西俨然就是大金矿了。)
  • 10、And as this special Mail investigation shows, money-hungry young women are rushing tocash in on their misery.(如这次专门的Mail调查发现的,“钱饥”的年轻女人正涌入她们的苦难里淘金。)
  • 11、Instead it has devoted more money to helping manufacturers, allowing them tocash in on other countries' consumer subsidy programs.(取而代之的是将更多资金用于补贴生产商,使他们能够从其他国家的消费者补贴项目中赚钱。)
  • 12、If you come across a wayward chunk of moon, don't try tocash in on it.(如果你遇到一大块形状不规则的月球岩石,不要企图拿它卖钱。)
  • 13、The bad news is that with all the restrictions, there are few ways for outsiders actually tocash in on the claim.(那坏消息就是,由于所有的限制,对与外来人没有什么方法能够兑现索赔。)
  • 14、Designer stores are hiring Mandarin speakers tocash in on a surge of wealthy customers from China.(从中国来的富有消费者大批涌入,大牌商店纷纷聘请会说中文的导购抓住这次吸金机会。)
  • 15、Virtual entrepreneurs can alsocash in on the holiday.(虚拟商店的主人同样可以利用假期赚大把的钞票。)
  • 16、There was some media intrusion of course, lots of cheap journalists trying tocash in on this unusual union.(当然,有一些媒体入侵,很多庸俗的记者尝试通过对这不寻常的结合的报道来赚钱。)
  • 17、I'm guessing someone wanted tocash in on search engine visitors typing in Twittersearch and not Twitter search; and bam!(我猜测有人想通过搜索引擎的访问者输入twittersearch,而不是Twitter的搜索来兑现!)
  • 18、A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek tocash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns.(第二个风险是,白人拥有的公司可能会通过与少数族裔拥有的企业组建合资企业,从日益增加的分摊比例中获利。)
  • 19、But Gabon's oil reserves were dwindling and Bongo saw a chance tocash in on another hot commodity.(但是加蓬的石油储量正在枯竭,邦戈看到了另一个热门产品能发财的机会。)
  • 20、But others can and do attempt tocash in on the loot.(但是其他人可以也尝试利用这些战利品来趁机捞一把。)
  • 21、Remember,don't try tocash in on me,or I'll dismiss you.(记住,别想占我的便宜,否则我就开除你。)
  • 22、Goldman insiders are likely to view the suit as an opportunistic attempt tocash in on the bank's dismal public image.(高盛内部可能会认为这个诉讼是一次乘机利用银行公众形象不佳而赚钱的机会。) 【好工具】
  • 23、So how can youcash in on all of this free travel?(那么你该如何兑现所有这些免费的旅行?)
cash in on基本释义

cash in on

英 [kæʃ in ɔn] 美 [kæʃ ɪn ɑn] 

靠 ... 赚钱; 趁机利用
