
a great number of

a great number of造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:35:48

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的a great number of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条a great number of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了a great number of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、21The Lord's hand was with them, anda great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.(主与他们同在,信而归主的人就很多了。)
  • 2、We hada great number of users.(我们有很多用户。)
  • 3、a great number of HCV specific oral drugs are in the late stage of development; some have been recently registered.(许多丙肝病毒专用口服药物也处于开发后期,有一些药物最近已获得注册。)
  • 4、a great number of people rush out of their homes or companies to travelling spots.(很多人冲出家门或公司去旅游。)
  • 5、This research has been in progress since 1961 and has yieldeda great number of positive results.(这项研究自1961年以来一直在开展,已经取得了大量的积极成果。)
  • 6、An encyclopedia embracesa great number of subjects.(一部百科全书包含许多学科。)
  • 7、a great number of polar owls, white geese, brant geese, Arctic foxes, walruses and other animals live here.(大量的白猫头鹰,白鹅,黑雁,北极狐,海象以及其它动物在这里生存。)
  • 8、Cambridge exams are accepted bya great number of educational institutions and companies of all types.(剑桥考试被众多教育机构及各类公司所接受。)
  • 9、A higher educational background exerts a tremendous fascination ona great number of people, with no exception to me.(高等教育背景对很多人都有极大的吸引力,我也不例外。)
  • 10、In remote areas,a great number of school-age children are not squared away for school.(在边远地区,还有大批学龄儿童不能上学。)
  • 11、A buffer overflow in a program such as find is likely to be a risk toa great number of systems.(诸如find这样的程序中的缓冲区溢出可能会给大量的系统带来风险。)
  • 12、a great number of these collisions create the light that's visible to the naked eye.(数以万计的这种撞击就形成了我们肉眼所能够看到的这种光。)
  • 13、a great number of shell features affect how the command name you type is interpreted.(大量的Shell特性可以影响到如何解释您所输入的命令名。)
  • 14、a great number of Egyptians are proficient in foreign languages.(大量埃及人精通外语。)
  • 15、a great number of delegates have inscribed their names on the list of speakers.(一系列国家的代表要求发言。)
  • 16、There area great number of cultural relics on display in the Forbidden City.(有许多件文物在故宫展出。)
  • 17、a great number of water fowls dwell on the island.(许多水鸟在岛上栖息。)
  • 18、It takesa great number of years to create an "overnight success."(一夜成名往往是花费了很多年很多年的努力。)
  • 19、When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits ofa great number of highly effective individuals.(领导力研究所的创始人兼主任史蒂芬·柯维在过去十年探索领导力风格时,他关注的是大量高效能人士的习惯。)
  • 20、It gives users the ability to altera great number of system Settings, and visual elements.(用户可以对众多系统设置和视觉元素进行调整。)
  • 21、Ali Baba's garden was very long, and shaded at the further end bya great number of large trees.(阿里巴巴的花园非常长,并且被远远延伸的非常多的大树遮蔽着。)
  • 22、His errors spawneda great number of economic loss.(他的错误造成了极大的经济损失。)
  • 23、a great number of FUSE file systems are now available and more appear each day.(现在已经有很多FUSE文件系统,而且还在不断出现新的。)
  • 24、He went to a warren in which there werea great number of rabbits.(他到了一个养兔场,那里有许多的兔子。)
  • 25、a great number of our students are Danish.(我们的学生中有许多是丹麦人。)
  • 26、a great number of people are amused by these dating shows, which is the reason for their popularity.(很多人都被这些相亲类节目逗乐了,这是它们受欢迎的原因。)
  • 27、It affords a livelihood toa great number of people.(这给许多人提供了生计。)
  • 28、The Great Wall is a world famous ancient building, which has attracteda great number of tourists form home and abroad.(长城是举世闻名的古建筑,它吸引了国内外大批的游客。)
  • 29、When JVM starts,a great number of methods are being loaded into JVM and executed.(当JVM启动时,会有很多方法被加载到JVM中并执行。)
a great number of基本释义

a great number of

英 [ə ɡreit ˈnʌmbə ɔv] 美 [e ɡret ˈnʌmbɚ ʌv] 

