
accounts payable

accounts payable造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:30:28

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的accounts payable的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了18条accounts payable的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了accounts payable的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Use the purchases journal, the cash disbursements journal, and theaccounts payable subsidiary ledger.(使用进货日记账,现金支付日记账,和应付款明细分类账。)
  • 2、Deal with issues related to ordering, such as reconciliation ofaccounts payable and receivables.(处理与订货相关的问题,如应付和应收账款的核对等。)
  • 3、Let's start with Current Liabilities such asaccounts payable (money you owe your suppliers, etc).(让我们从流动负债,比如应付账款(欠供应商的货款,等等)开始。)
  • 4、accounts payable usually do not require the payment of interest.(应付账款通常不要求支付利息。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、Perform an integrity check ofaccounts payable data.(执行应付账款数据的完整性检查。)
  • 6、The main current liabilities areaccounts payable and accrued expenses.(主要的流动负债是应付账款和应计费用。)
  • 7、Responsible for the calculation, recording and clearing ofaccounts payable, and carrying forward construction investment savings timely.(负责基建往来款项的核算、登记及清理工作,及时结转基建节余。)
  • 8、Shall we pay large amount ofaccounts payable in the next month?(我们下个月会付大额的应付账款吗?)
  • 9、Performedaccounts payable functions for construction expenses.(履行建筑费用的应付账款职责。)
  • 10、Data from accounts receivable andaccounts payable.(数据,从应收账款和应付账款。)
  • 11、Check the weekly calculation of consumption of consignment seafood for Chinese restaurant and forward payment requisition toaccounts payable.(每周检查中餐厅代销海鲜的消耗量并将付款申请转交给应付。)
  • 12、accounts payable Money the company owes to its' suppliers.(应付账款指公司欠其供应商的钱。)
  • 13、Otheraccounts payable include liabilities for any goods and services other than merchandise.(其他应付账款包括除购买商品之外的其他任何货物和劳务的负债。)
  • 14、The accountant has found a discrepancy between theaccounts payable and the accounts receivable.(会计师发现应付款与应收款有不合之处。)
  • 15、Review ofaccounts payable monthly inventory reconciliation.(检查每月应付账款存货对帐表。)
  • 16、The main part of the enterprise's accounts is accounts receivable andaccounts payable.(企业往来款的主要部分为应收账款和应付账款。)
  • 17、Press the button and your request will automatically be sent to ouraccounts payable department.(按钮和你的请求将自动地被送到我们帐号的部门。)
  • 18、Prefer to haveaccounts payable relevant experience.(有应付款工作经验者优先;)
accounts payable基本释义

accounts payable

