
activity book

activity book造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:35:15

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的activity book的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条activity book的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了activity book的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I never know when it is okay to relax, or when it is okay to take a break and play that video game, read a book, or some other leisure activity.(我不知道什么时候应该放松,什么时候应该休息一下玩玩电视游戏,看看书,或者其他的一些闲暇活动。)
  • 2、You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you, maybe you can read a good book or learn a new hobby and even spend time with your pet and that could make a difference.(你可以参加一个你喜欢或能让你放松的活动,也许你可以读一本好书或培养一个新的爱好,甚至花时间和你的宠物在一起,这都可能会有所不同。)
  • 3、Each student will be a part of an small English group, receive a special Englishactivity book, and will have several opportunities each day to practice with the English teachers.(每一位同学都有专属的英文小组,并可得到一本活动特辑,天天都有机会与教练及老师们会话练习。)
  • 4、The activity to re-fill the stock should perhaps be a sub-process, and the ship book activity should be notified with an event when this sub-process is ready.(重新入库的活动很可能应该是一个子流程,当子流程准备就绪,送书活动应该得到通知。)
  • 5、By necessity, the book has a lot of speculation, with phrases like "there is every possibility that he sailed from Piraeus" and "Socrates would certainly have participated in such communal activity."(由于需要,书中用了很多猜测性语言,如“他极有可能从Piraeus出发”或“苏格拉底应该参加了这个社区活动”等。)
  • 6、AV production, AV, audio, image, book, picture, activity, music, produce, movie, TV series, film, cartoon.(音像制品,音像,音,图像,图书,图案,活动,音乐,制作,影片,电视剧,电影,卡通。)
  • 7、So what inspires you? What provokes you into a warm feeling or creative activity? What action, people, works of art, nature, book or blog stimulates you?(那么,是什么激励了你?是什么引发了你的兴奋感,激发了你的创造力?是什么举动,人物,美术作品,大自然,书籍抑或是博客激励了你?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、Do theactivity book.(做活动手册。)
  • 9、Here is anactivity book that shows your child Numbers, letters and shapes.(这是一本教您孩子学习数字、图形和字母的十分活泼的书。)
  • 10、In his 1954 book "the Practice of management", he argued that management was one of the major social innovations of the 20th century, primarily a human activity, not a mechanical or an economic one.(他在1954年出版的《管理实践》中强调,管理学是20世纪重大社会发明之一,其本质为人类活动,而非机械运动或经济运行。)
  • 11、They are often lost in thought, lost in a book or an activity to the point where they do not register their surroundings.(他们常常会陷入沉思、沉浸在一本书或一个活动里,以至于忘却了周围的其他事物。)
  • 12、My favourite activity is singing. My favourite book is Harry Potter, and my favourite colour is black.(我最喜欢的活动是唱歌,最喜爱的书籍是[哈利·波特],最喜欢的颜色是黑色。)
  • 13、In full color. A jam-packed amalgam of puzzles, experiments, optical illusions, secret codes, and more are clearly explained in this brain-bogglingactivity book.(一个汞合金难题,实验,光学错觉,暗号等,所有这些都能在这本令人难以置信的大脑活动书找到答案。)
  • 14、That's myactivity book.(那是我的活动手册。)
  • 15、This interactiveactivity book has a small cloth ball attached to a string, which children use to complete activities in the book.(这种互动参与式书籍有一个系着线的小布球,用于儿童在书中完成任务。)
  • 16、Finish theactivity book page1.(完成活动用书第一页的内容。)
  • 17、So the activity Order book from publisher is an optional activity, which is only executed when the condition book not in stock is met.(所以“从出版商订书”是一个可选活动,它只有当满足“书籍没有库存”的条件时执行。)
  • 18、Hand in youractivity book.(把活动手册交上来。)
  • 19、Throughout this book we both document the central principle that all behavior is an expression of neural activity and illustrate the insights into behavior that neural science provides.(通过这本书我们所描述了主要原理是,所有的行为都是神经活动的表达,这是从神经学角度对行为的理解。)
  • 20、With this software installed, users can secretly track activity including emails sent and received, web sites visited and contacts added to the iPad's address book.(安装了这款软件,用户能秘密追踪活动,包括电子邮件的收发,网站的访问以及iPad地址簿中的链接。)
  • 21、You enjoy periodically becoming fully engrossed in a book, research, movie, sports, or any other activity.(你会阶段性地完全专注于一本书、一项研究、一部电影、一项运动和其他活动中。)
  • 22、And yet, as the new book Connected by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler shows, we actually do choose our friends through proximity and Shared activity.(然而,正如尼古拉·a·克里斯·塔基斯和詹姆斯·h·福勒所写的新书《联系》(Connected)所言,我们实际上的确通过距离远近和共同的活动来选择我们的朋友。)
  • 23、This book provides information on national associations, societies, institutes, and similar organisations in all fields of activity.(本书提供了有关各个领域的国家级协会,社团,机构和类似组织的信息。)
  • 24、This, together with a decline in sighting activity, led to the dismantling of Project Blue Book in 1969.(这份报告随着目击事件的减少,导致了1969年BlueBook计划的解散。)
activity book基本释义