


更新时间:2024-12-23 07:50:12

  • 1、Tbilisi city court has anacquittal rate of less than 1%. The prison population is three times what it was in 2003.(第比利斯城市法院的无罪开释率低于1%,监狱人口达到2003年的3倍。)
  • 2、A verdict of "not guilt" meansacquittal for the accused, who can never again be charged with that specific crime.(“无罪”裁决意味着被告无罪,并且永远不得再以此罪名对其指控。)
  • 3、Theeacquittal gave me hope to express my desire.(无罪的宣判给了我实现愿望的信心。。)
  • 4、The jury brought in anacquittal.(陪审团宣告无罪。)
  • 5、This usually happens after anacquittal or a "light" sentence in the first prosecution.(这通常发生后,被判无罪,或“光”一句中的首次起诉。)
  • 6、The case resulted in anacquittal.(此案件最终作出无罪判决。)
  • 7、Lack of evidence resulted in theiracquittal.(因证据不足而宣判他们无罪。)
  • 8、The jury voted 8-to-4 in favor ofacquittal.(陪审团以8比4的投票结果赞成无罪判决。)
  • 9、The girl'smothertold reporters after Ecott'sacquittal, "I worry that there are alotmore people who will get off lightly using the same defence.(无罪释放后,女孩的母亲对记者说:“我担心会有更多的人用同样的理由辩护而获得从轻发落。)
  • 10、Your remarks in the court were necessary auxiliaries to my brother'sacquittal.(你法庭上的陈词是宣判我哥哥无罪必不可少的辅助陈述。)
  • 11、Jackson, who had lived as a virtual recluse sinceacquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation, had been scheduled to launch a comeback tour from London next month.(杰克逊,在2005年被指控猥亵儿童,宣告无罪后,实质上过着隐居的生活,次月安排从伦敦出发的一次康复旅行。)
  • 12、An annulment oracquittal ; dismissal, as of a court order.(撤销令取消,宣告无罪;法院命令的撤销。)
  • 13、But in jury trials, which were introduced in all Russian regions except Chechnya in 2002, theacquittal rate is about 20%.(而在陪审团审理(2002年,俄罗斯除车臣以外的其它地区都引入了这一制度)的案件中,宣判无罪的案件占到大约20%。)
  • 14、The Washington Times this week called for Mr Wilders'sacquittal.(本周的华盛顿时报呼吁将威尔德斯无罪释放。)
  • 15、I am glad to hear of hisacquittal.(我听到他被释放出来很高兴。)
  • 16、The National Convention ordered the trial, but hisacquittal only served to increase his public profile and popular support.(国民公会安排了审理,而他的无罪释放提高了他的公共姿态和知名度。)
  • 17、She was acquitted on the obstruction of justice charge and, according to press reports, the jury deadlocked 7-5 foracquittal on the contempt charges.(妨碍司法罪被判不成立,而在判定蔑视法庭罪不成立时,据媒体报道,陪审团却以7票对5票陷入僵局。)
  • 18、Six days after myacquittal in the Senate, I had gone to New Hampshire to celebrate the seventh anniversary of my New Hampshire primary.(参议院宣布我无罪六天后,我去了新罕布什尔州庆祝我在该州赢得初选胜利七周年。)
  • 19、The District Court denied petitioner's motion for a judgment ofacquittal.(地区法院驳回上诉人提出的无罪判决的动议。)
  • 20、The jury voted 8-to-4 in favour ofacquittal.(该陪审团以8票比4票投票赞成无罪判决。)
  • 21、The defence lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client'sacquittal.(被告方的律师为委托人的无罪开释作了有说服力的辩护。)


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