
absence from

absence from造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:35:29

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的absence from的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条absence from的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了absence from的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The study of human behaviour has been conspicuous by itsabsence from the climate change debate.(人类行为的研究因为没有包括在天气变化的辩论中而十分突出。)
  • 2、He wanted me to take a leave ofabsence from the law school, come to work, and help him recruit some other good young lawyers.(他要我向法学院请假,到他那里工作,同时帮助他招募其他一些优秀的年轻律师。)
  • 3、Another ache for Anakin was theabsence from his wife.(阿纳金的另一心痛,是与妻子的长期离别。)
  • 4、All this resulted in hisabsence from meeting.(所有这一切都是他开会缺席造成的。)
  • 5、Have you any excuse to offer for frequentabsence from collective practice?(你经常不参加集体训练有什么理由解释吗?)
  • 6、I think he really just needed a leave ofabsence from us.(我觉得他确实需要请假离开我们一段时间。)
  • 7、Previous reports looked only at the potential damage caused by a mother'sabsence from the home.(此前的研究报告一般只强调一个家庭中母亲角色的缺失将会产生的潜在伤害。)
  • 8、He could not account for hisabsence from school.(他无法说清楚旷课的原因。)
  • 9、A notableabsence from the bill is the regulation of individuals appealing for aid.(但是法案有一块明显的缺失:缺乏对救助申请人行为的规范。)
  • 10、The boys playing truant cooked up an excuse to explain theirabsence from school.(逃学的男孩编造借口来解释他们为什么不上学。)
  • 11、His frequentabsence from class must be dealt with immediately.(他经常缺课的情况必须立即予以处理。)
  • 12、Will you kindly excuse myabsence from school today?(恳请您原谅我今天不能到校。)
  • 13、He could not account for hisabsence from classes.(你昨天缺课的理由是站不住脚的。)
  • 14、Only then had I found hisabsence from London.(只是那时我才发现他不在伦敦。)
  • 15、He returns to the England team after a longabsence from international football.(他在离开国际足坛很长一段时间之后重返英格兰队。)
  • 16、Weiner checked himself into a psychological treatment center and requested a leave ofabsence from the House.(维纳进驻一家心理治疗中心接受治疗,并已向众议院提出准假申请。)
  • 17、Marx's view of human nature in Ludwig feuerbach'sabsence from the practice of place, probes into the essence of man.(马克思正是在费尔巴哈人的本质观缺失的地方,从实践活动入手深入探讨了人的本质。)
  • 18、Nobody could account for hisabsence from school.(没人能对他旷课做出解释。)
  • 19、The father demanded knowledge of what had occurred during hisabsence from home.(父亲要求说明他不在家时究竟发生了什么事。)
  • 20、My mother was upset with me about myabsence from school.(母亲因为我没有上课而伤心。)
  • 21、Section attendance is mandatory. Unexcusedabsence from section will be penalized.(本课属强制性出席,无故缺席者将受惩罚。)
  • 22、"So," Snape retorted softly, "I'm sure that Professor Burns gave you a signed note to excuse yourabsence from your classes."(“那么——”斯内普轻轻的回答道,“——我相信博恩斯教授一定为你们缺席上课开了假条了?”)
absence from基本释义