好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的accomodate to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条accomodate to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了accomodate to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、This helps to adjust the tensions on the pouches so that you can accomodate different magazine sizes.(这有助于调整弹匣袋的张力,以便可以容纳不同大小的弹匣。)
- 2、The folks at Crown are confident their publishing house is big enough to accomodate all views from the White house.(皇冠出版集团的人员相信自己的出版社足以容纳所有来自白宫的意见。)
- 3、There was enough room for a nine pin valve socket to accomodate the 12AT7 required, and the power supply suited.(一个九大头针活瓣插座有充足的房间容纳12AT7必需的,而且以电力驱动的补给适合。)
- 4、Now you jump from your cubicle or home office to a building or large space that must accomodate multiple agents, the support staff and meeting and storage space.(现在你从你的房间跳或家庭办公室的建筑物或空间大,必须容纳多个代理商,支持人员和会议及储存空间。)
- 5、Click to set how the current assignments are adjusted to accomodate the change in units.(单击此处可设置调整当前工作分配以适应单位更改的方式。)
- 6、Automatically adjust execution strategy to accomodate changes in underlying database schemas, such as the addition of new indexes.(自动调整执行策略,以便在基础数据库模式中应用更改,比如添加新的索引。)
- 7、This also avoids the pitfalls of extending industry standards to accomodate communications with domains outside of an industry standard that exist within an enterprise, for e.g. HR.(这样做同时避免了一个陷阱——为妥协企业内的某个行业之外的应用(比如hr)而扩展行业标准的做法。)
- 8、As more entries are added to the index, blocks will be split to accomodate the new entries in their proper location.(随着更多的项目添加到索引中,各块将分割以在合适的位置容纳新的项目。)
- 9、To accomodate column size, some lines of code are split and appear on two lines.(为了适应列大小,一些代码行被拆开,出现在两行上。)
- 10、One end of the building spliced off to accomodate the grandstand seating by the basketball court features darker-toned brickwork to help it blend in with the court's asphalt surface.(建筑的一端接到容纳看台座位的篮球场,通过暗色调的砖使其与庭院的沥青地面相融合。)
- 11、As the data is arriving almost 'randomly' by means of the reversing of the actual data bytes for the index, the index itself will be extended to accomodate these new values.(由于从索引中数据字节逆序处理来说,数据是几乎“随机”到来的,索引自身扩展以容纳新值。)
- 12、Just settle on any definition of Done, and make sure there is a branch to accomodate stories that are Done according to that definition.(先确定“完成”一词的任何定义,然后确保有一个分支可以容纳根据该定义已经“完成”的故事。)
- 13、These carton pockets need to be adjusted to accomodate a larger carton, therefore widening the distance between the pusher and retarder lugs is necessary.(如果需要根据纸盒尺寸的不同而调整此空间大小,就应增大推杆突耳与阻滞突耳之间的距离。)
- 14、Unicron's planet mode is where a lot of changes had to be made to accomodate the transformation and some play action, but overall, this is undeniably Unicron!(这颗行星为了适应变形以及一些可动性改变了不少形态,但是总的来说还是宇宙大帝。)
- 15、Using that method, you can accomodate this unexpected event by adding the function highlighted in bold in Listing 4 to the actionTransitionFunctions table.(通过使用这个方法,可以在actiontransitionfunctions表中添加清单4中粗体的函数,从而处理这个意外的事件。)
- 16、Before you can run the sample application, you must download the required ECS libraries and set up your environment to accomodate them. Follow these steps.(在运行这个示例应用程序之前,必须下载所需要的ecs库并设置环境以容纳它们。)
- 17、An exhausted Vautrin tried to accomodate them all.(精疲力竭的魏特琳设法安置她们。)
- 18、Ian Ayre specifically consulted with the Premier League who had some discussion with Sky, but neither were able to accomodate our position.(伊恩·艾耶尔还专门与联赛委员会之中与天空电视台洽谈的有关人士,但是没有人采纳我们的建议。)
- 19、Things have changed in the years since Hot and Cool, to accomodate a wider variety of consumer screen sizes, and of distribution methods through which we receive our content.(自从有了热媒介和冷媒介之分,这些年里情况已经有所改变,以便为了满足消费者对各种尺寸屏幕的需求,以及我们接收内容的各种分配方式。)
- 20、It was quite a varied buffet and they try to accomodate all tastes.(自助餐菜式多样,酒店尽力包揽所有的口味。)
- 21、To accomodate the different demands of information systems and to find out the mostly common parts, is the difficulty of universal right management.(适应各种信息系统的需求变化,并从中探索出自身的最大共性,是通用权限管理的一个难点。)
- 22、The phase analysis of the ore was investigated to accomodate the actual paragenetic association of minerals. Advantage was taken of the fact that sillimanite and corundum resist HF attack.(本文针对河北某地刚玉型硅线石矿物的共生组合特征进行了化学物相分析方法的研究。) haO86.com
- 23、When they started to explain the capacity of these storage areas, designed to accomodate the 19- B illion-piece-per-year production, I realized the unbelievable scale of all this.(当他们解释道这些仓储空间容量被设计来满足每年190亿零件的产能,我意识到乐高仓库不可思议的规模。)
- 24、In certain areas of PDE, we try to accomodate this wording, but we aren't there yet.(在PDE的特定领域内,我们试图适应这种措辞,但是目前还没有完成。)
- 25、This is an event of drinking japanese wine called "Sake" and 10 famous restaurants will prepare all the nice dishes to accomodate the "Sake".(这次聚会就是喝日本的一种白酒“清酒”,这个聚会在夏威夷10个比较知名的饭店举行。)