好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的ahead of schedule的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条ahead of schedule的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了ahead of schedule的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The restructuring of General Motors, for example, is comfortablyahead of schedule.(以通用汽车的重组为例,这不过是充裕地把日程安排提前了而已。)
- 2、The first phase of the project was completed two monthsahead of schedule.(第一期工程提前两个月完工。)
- 3、Of course.You have finished the task a weekahead of schedule.(当然,你已经提前一周完成任务了。)
- 4、Thanks to your help, we accomplished the taskahead of schedule.(亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。)
- 5、Group earnings were boosted by swingeing cost cuts and staff reductions, both runningahead of schedule.(集团利润得到了大幅削减成本和裁员的推动,这两项工作的进度都较计划有所提前。)
- 6、I have fulfilled my assigned workahead of schedule, so has he.(我已提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成了交给他的工作。)
- 7、He has already offered to hold elections by the end of 2010, a yearahead of schedule.(他已经要求在2010年底举行选举,这比预计的时间早了一年。)
- 8、Richards had defied doctors by using an oxygen tent to recover from his hamstring injuryahead of schedule to play in the showpiece last Saturday.(理查兹无视医生的建议,在上周六的比赛中提前使用氧气帐篷从肌腱伤势中恢复。) hAo86.com
- 9、Another aspect is to start your dayahead of schedule.(另一方面就是比时间表更早地开始你的一天。)
- 10、The aircraft will be delivered later this month, three monthsahead of schedule.(战机将于本月晚些时候交付于FAAF,这比预定时间提前了三个月。)
- 11、That puts housing reconstruction three monthsahead of schedule.(房屋重建比原计划提前了三个月。)
- 12、Not only are their numbers growingahead of schedule, but so too, it is claimed, is their quality.(增加的人数上不仅大大超过预期,而且各方面素质,业务能力都有提升。)
- 13、The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutesahead of schedule.(那架喷气式飞机比预定时间提前两分钟到达了约翰内斯堡。)
- 14、The election was held six monthsahead of schedule.(选举比计划日程提前了6个月举行。)
- 15、We'reahead of schedule.(我们比时间表安排的提前了。)
- 16、We cancelled other trips and arrived in Orlandoahead of schedule.(我们取消了其他的旅程,提前到达了奥兰多。)
- 17、The new bridge has been finished two yearsahead of schedule.(新桥提前两年落成。)
- 18、In January 1997, Mexico repaid its loan in full, with interest, more than three yearsahead of schedule.(1997年1月,墨西哥提前三年一分不差地支付了贷款和贷款利息。)
- 19、If the SPI is greater than one, the project isahead of schedule.(如果SPI大于一,项目是比计划超前的。)
- 20、Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilledahead of schedule.(由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。)
- 21、No plants will be phased out of useahead of schedule, however.(但是,当前没有任何一个核电站会提前关闭。)
- 22、The two ended up meetingahead of schedule the next night, to go to a CouchSurfing party.(结果,第二天晚上,早于他们的计划,他们就见面了,一起去一个CouchSurfing的聚会。)
- 23、We have finished the releaseahead of schedule – again.(我们又一次比预期时间提前完成了软件发布。)