


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:29:56

  • 1、Theairplane had dual controls.(这架飞机有两套操纵装置。)
  • 2、She fell out of myairplane.(她从我的飞机上摔了下来。)
  • 3、They arrived in Belgium byairplane.(他们乘飞机到达比利时。)
  • 4、You can "fly" anairplane or you can hit a "fly" that is on your food in your house.(你可以让一架飞机飞行,你也可以打死一只停在你家食物上的“苍蝇”。)
  • 5、The invention of theairplane has changed our lives.(飞机的发明改变了我们的生活。)
  • 6、Did Sunee's package travel byairplane?(苏尼的包裹是通过飞机运输的吗?)
  • 7、Most people believe that the firstairplane flew in 1903, but this is not true.(大多数人认为第一次飞机是在1903年飞行的,但事实并非如此。)
  • 8、Anairplane started for Dalian yesterday.(昨天有一架飞机飞往大连。)
  • 9、If the kids break down and stomp and scream on theairplane, remember that half of the people there have been in your shoes.(如果孩子在飞机上失控、跺脚、大声尖叫,记住半数人会站在你的立场上。)
  • 10、How come people have to turn off their cell phones and all our electronic devices when anairplane is about to take off?(当飞机要起飞时,人们为什么要关掉他们的手机和所有的电子设备呢?)
  • 11、From anairplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word, "Uranium".(一位科学家从一架小山丘陵地上的飞机上,通过无线电发送了一个单词,“铀”。)
  • 12、What they learnt helped them make the firstairplane flight in 1903.(他们所学的知识帮助他们在1903年完成了第一次飞机飞行。)
  • 13、If you try to make any moves, you will injure yourself and theairplane.(如果你试图做任何动作,你会伤害自己和这架飞机。)
  • 14、You don't preserve anairplane by keeping it on the ground; you preserve it by keeping it in service.(你不应该通过让飞机留在地面来保护它,而应该让它继续服役来保养它。)
  • 15、When the planet Mars was first observed through a telescope, people saw that the round disk of the planet was criss-crossed on earth that are viewed from anairplane.(当第一次用望远镜观测到火星时,人们从飞机上看到,火星的圆形圆盘在地球上纵横交错。)
  • 16、The second group drops water on the fire from anairplane.(第二组从飞机上往火上浇水。)
  • 17、The newairplane flies twice the speed of sound.(这架新飞机的飞行速度是音速的两倍。)
  • 18、Featuring no famous actors, it begins with images of a beautiful morning and passengers boarding anairplane.(它里面没有著名的演员,而是以一个美丽的早晨和乘客登上飞机的画面开始。)
  • 19、They record where you are going, how fast you're traveling and whether everything on yourairplane is functioning normally.(它们会记录你的目的地、你的速度以及你的飞机是否一切正常。)
  • 20、You can also use apps like Offtime or Unplugged to create tech-free zones by strategically scheduling automaticairplane modes.(你也可以使用像Offtime或Unplugged这样的应用程序,通过有策略地安排自动飞行模式来创建无科技地带。)
  • 21、That longairplane ride, the abrupt change of climate, was more than she could take.(那次漫长的飞机旅程,气候的急剧变化,超出了她可以承受的范围。)
  • 22、You could be wanting to try some extreme sports like skydiving, jumping out of anairplane.(你可能想尝试一些极限运动,比如跳伞,从飞机上跳下来。)
  • 23、Theairplane was a superseding cause of the plaintiff's death.(飞机是原告死亡的替代原因。)
  • 24、You go on anairplane and then after the usual delays, the plane begins to accelerate down the runway.(你上了一架飞机,在正常晚点之后,飞机开始在跑道上加速。)
  • 25、When Summers travels by limousine orairplane, Sandberg will give up his position next to him, leaving other officials and staff time to contact the boss.(当萨默斯乘坐豪华轿车或飞机时,桑德伯格会放弃紧挨着他的位置,留给别的官员和职员与这位老板接触的时间。)
  • 26、We watched theairplane ascend higher and higher.(我们看着飞机越飞越高。)
  • 27、They developed a solarairplane.(他们开发了一种太阳能飞机。)
  • 28、Theairplane soared into the sky.(飞机凌空而起。)
  • 29、You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking anairplane anywhere.(如果你既不开车行驶很远,也不坐飞机,同样可以省钱。)
  • 30、The twelve-year-old is no longer considered a child and has to pay full fare for train,airplane, theater and movie tickets.(这个12岁的孩子不再被认为是小孩子了,他必须支付全票购买火车票、飞机票、剧院票和电影票。)


英 [ˈeəpleɪn] 美 [ˈerpleɪn] 


