好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的admission ticket的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条admission ticket的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了admission ticket的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Guests will receive anadmission ticket on registration. Tickets must be presented at the door.(登记后嘉宾会收到门票。须持票入场。)
- 2、And then to the admissibility of post operational test and receive theadmission ticket booking and express certificates.(然后到业务受理岗预约考试并领取准考证和速递凭证。)
- 3、To look up your scores, you will only need to type in your Testadmission ticket Number and your name on the first page of the website.(进入网站后在首页即可查询,查询时需要输入准考证号和姓名。)
- 4、Your note with anadmission ticket enclosed is much appreciated.(留言和一张入场券均已收到,不胜感激。)
- 5、Where can I buy anadmission ticket?(到美术馆还要再买票吗?)
- 6、Driving was to wait for verification to the lobby to wait foradmission ticket issued.(到驾校后来到待考大厅等候发准考证。)
- 7、You can write down anything you feel like on your own exam paper but NOT on youradmission ticket!(但不要在准考证、答题卡上写与考试无关的字迹!)
- 8、My review course recommended we use the back of the examadmission ticket to make note of any questions we may want to revisit.(我的复习课程里建议大家使用准考证的背面来记录一些问题的重点来温习,我可在考试中使用吗?)
- 9、The exact location of your test center will be printed on your examadmission ticket.(确切的考试地点信息将印在你的准考证上。)
- 10、Candidates must be at least 30 minutes to open examadmission ticket and valid id with admission.(考生须在开考前至少30分钟凭准考证和有效身份证件入场。)
- 11、admission ticket does not include parking fee. We highly recommend you to take public transportation tools.(门票不包含停车费用,我们建议乘坐公共交通工具出行。)
- 12、For oversea exhibitors, we will send theadmission ticket by airmail.(主办单位将会以空邮寄出入场券予海外参展商。)
- 13、admission ticket required, no tickets were not admitted,admission ticket does not guarantee that all will.(需持票进场,无票者不要进场,持票不保证全部能进场。)
- 14、Candidates can attend the test with headmission ticket issued by the testing site.(考生持主考单位核发的“准考证”进入考场参加考试。)
- 15、Therefore, there is special significance to make a study on the marketing strategy of the national volleyball league matches 'admission ticket.(所以,对全国排球联赛门票市场营销策略的研究就具有特别重要的意义。)
- 16、On the test date, you must bring and present your testadmission ticket and identity certificate.(考试当天必须携带准考证及身份证件原件。)
- 17、We will issue anadmission ticket to confirm your registration.(我们将寄发入场券以确定阁下已成功登记。)
- 18、Selected are vigorous while losers dejected - only one "admission ticket" is enough to make people wild.(入选者意气风发,落选者垂头丧气——双年展的一张“入场券”足以令人为之疯狂。)
- 19、Please bring the receipt for the test fee when getting your HSKadmission ticket.(请考生来领取准考证时带上报名时所领取的收据。)
- 20、How is Olympic Games'admission ticket expensive should fix a price?(奥运会的门票贵应该如何定价?。)
- 21、Take youradmission ticket and photo ID to the test center.(携带准考证和带有照片的身份证明到考场。)
- 22、Competitors must have already purchased the 2009 Extravaganzaadmission ticket.(参赛者必须是已购买2009风云盛会门票的直销商。)
- 23、The First Disneylandadmission ticket Ever Sold was purchased for US$1 in 1955.(迄今为止售出的第一张迪士尼门票要价1美元,1955年售出。) haO86.com