- 1、But, in chapter 3, when we have moralapostasy, what shall we do?(但是,在第3章中,当我们有了道德上的背道时,我们该做什么呢?)
- 2、Dispensationalism, in contrast to Holiness teaching, taught that the world and the visible church were not being perfected, instead Christendom was inapostasy and heading toward judgment.(时代论与圣洁运动不同,它教导世界和可见的教会都不是完全的,基督教国反而是在一个背教的状态中,一直向审判前进。)
- 3、If you have a moralapostasy, yet the minister is not doing his work, to which book are you going to turn?(如果你有道德上的背道,可是传道人却不做他应作之工,你应该看哪卷书呢?)
- 4、Theapostasy, complete though it was, formed merely the prelude to an event of much greater significance.(这种彻头彻尾的背教行为还不过是序幕,最惊人的大事犹未开场。)
- 5、His only punishment for hisapostasy.(对他叛教的唯一惩罚。)
- 6、They are not being taught to keep themselves pure fromapostasy and heresy.(他们不是单纯的知识使自身从叛教和异端。)
- 7、Forapostasy from God and His law cannot be the key to wisdom.(叛教来自上帝和他的法律不能成为关键的智慧。)
- 8、The apostle Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, foretold the greatapostasy which would result in the establishment of the papal power.(使徒保罗在帖撒罗尼迦后书中曾预言日后的大背道,其结果就是罗马教皇势力的建立。)
- 9、In what ways did God punish Israel'sapostasy?(神用那些方法来处罚以色列人的背道?)
- 10、His statements revealed hisapostasy and he was excommunicated from the church.(他的陈述透露了他的叛教,因此被逐出教会。)
- 11、What was Paul's solution for moralapostasy?(保罗对道德上的背道的解决办法是什么呢?)
- 12、While most of their fellow Hebrews were already knee-deep in compromise andapostasy, these Hebrew boys stood firm and would not compromise.(当大多数的希伯来同胞已深陷妥协和变节的泥沼时,这几个希伯来男孩却可以站立得稳,不愿妥协。)
- 13、On the other hand, dispensationalism was born in England in the early 1800s bemoaning the latter-dayapostasy and ruin of the church.(在另一方面,于1800年代诞生于英国的时代论正在为教会在末日的背道和没落哀恸。) hao86.com
- 14、This scenario is in conflict with dispensationalism that sees the current age ending, not in revival, butapostasy.(这个情景与认为现今时代正在结束,不是复兴,而是末日的时代论并不冲突。)