- 1、Theapostrophe indicates a sound which is frequently uttered, but not written, in English.(这个撇号在英语里表示频繁的念出来但是不写出来的音。)
- 2、Before the seventeenth century theapostrophe was rare.(17世纪以前,撇号很少被运用。)
- 3、Theapostrophe is used to express possession.(撇号用来表达所有格。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 4、A possessive noun is formed by addingapostrophe 's' (' s) to a noun.(所有格名词是表示拥有权的名词。)
- 5、The fourth line is particularly troubling because not only is theapostrophe missing but so is the substitution parameter.(第四行特别麻烦,因为不仅遗漏了撇号,而且还遗漏了替代参数!)
- 6、The purdue online writing lab also explains how to use anapostrophe correctly in possessives and other cases.(普渡在线写作研究室也解释了如何在所有格及其它时态中如何正确使用撇号。)
- 7、I put that word on the page, but he added theapostrophe.(我在纸上写下那个词,但他加了那一撇。)
- 8、Listing 11 shows an example of the escape sequences for a string that USES a single quote as anapostrophe.(清单11显示了一个转义字符串序列,它使用了一个引号作为省略号。)
- 9、The code in Listing 2 has no mystery about what a particular semicolon orapostrophe means.(在特定分号或撇号的含义方面,清单2中的代码没有任何隐晦之处。)
- 10、Before she reached the house, Gouvernail had lighted a fresh cigar and ended hisapostrophe to the night.(在她回到住宅前,高维内尔重新点燃了一直雪茄,结束了他对夜晚的感叹。)
- 11、When you contract a word or two words you need to addapostrophe.(当你要缩写一个或者两个词时,你需要加上撇号。)
- 12、When do I need to use anapostrophe?(什么时候用撇号?)
- 13、To add a comment to a statement in these files, type a comment after anapostrophe (').(要将注释添加到这些文件中的语句中,请在撇号(')后面键入注释。)
- 14、On the old woman's knee was a large drop of blood shaped like anapostrophe.(在老太太的膝盖上有一个很大的镰刀状的伤口,就像一个撇号。)
- 15、There should be noapostrophe because what you mean is that the decision belongs to the group.(无撇号的情况下是因为你所指的决定属于这个团体。)
- 16、Variable substitution is not done in text literals which are surrounded by single quotes (apostrophe s).(在被单引号(即省略号,呼号)环绕的文本字面值里,变量替换不会进行。)
- 17、Two sequentialapostrophes in a quoted string denote a single character, namely anapostrophe.(串中连续的两个单引号表示一个字符,即单引号。)
- 18、Do not attempt to one day suddenly turned into a comma orapostrophe.(不要企图某一天忽然变成逗号或省略号。)
- 19、As a kind of figure of speech,apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.(作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。)
- 20、For example, users may need to enter a single quote (orapostrophe) as part of a person's name.(例如,用户可能需要将单引号(或省略号)作为人名的一部分输入。)
- 21、They're too farting busy sneering at a greengrocer's less than perfect use of theapostrophe.(他们一天到晚忙着对杂货店招牌上错加的逗号嗤之以鼻。)
- 22、If "smart quotes" are selected forapostrophes, theapostrophe remains visible in the cell.(如果选择“智能引号”为此处的撇号,撇号在单元格中仍然可见。)
- 23、Anapostrophe can be used to show certain speech patterns.(可以用重音符号来表示某种特定的说话腔调。)
- 24、Shoppers passing by don’t think: I’m not going to buy them because theapostrophe is misplaced.(路过的购物者不会这样想:我不会去买他的东西,因为那一撇放错了位置。)
- 25、Perhaps in the broader world, you might find years that have two or four digits and might even contain anapostrophe, as in '09.(可能在一个更广阔的世界,您可能发现拥有两位或四位数字的年份,甚至可能包含一个撇号,如'09。)
- 26、Answer these questions, using the words in parentheses. Put theapostrophe in the right place.(用句后括号中的词或词组来回答问题,注意撇号的位置。)
- 27、Maybe it is the errantapostrophe, the splitting of the poor old infinitive, or the use of "like" as a comma.(也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。)