
at will

at will造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:28:22

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的at will的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条at will的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了at will的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Fire safety facilities, please do not moveat will.(战火安全设施,请勿随意搬动。)
  • 2、The supply of credit was seemingly inexhaustible, so Banks could fund their expansionat will.(信用供给似乎无穷无尽,银行业可以随意扩张。)
  • 3、If parents don't teach their child how to behave himself, he will do anythingat will.(如果父母不教他们的孩子要守规矩,孩子就会随心所欲地做任何事。)
  • 4、It is the stuff of a Hollywood movie: a dreamworld that can be manipulatedat will.(这是在一部好莱坞电影中发生的事,在那里梦境可以被随意操纵。)
  • 5、They were able to come and goat will.(他们能够来去自由。)
  • 6、I can vary the speedat will.(我可以随意改变速度。)
  • 7、They must be able to reproduce a build from bare ironat will.(他们必须能够随意地重头开始再造一个构建。)
  • 8、From here, you can go in and modifyat will.(你也可以从这里进入并按照你的意愿修改。)
  • 9、Sen concluded our happiness as human's free choices and the ehancement of abilityat will.(森把人类的幸福更多地归结为人类选择自由的拓展以及人类的能力自由的提升。)
  • 10、The Wall has provided the framework for his compadres to galavant forwardat will.(这面墙为他的同志们随意前进提供了框架。)
  • 11、Instead, it introduced a collection of re-usable components that could be strung togetherat will.(相反,它引入了一套可以被重用的组件,可以随意组装在一起。)
  • 12、Since 1971 most countries have had the right to repay creditors in money they could printat will.(自从1971后,大部分的国家都有权利任意印刷货币来偿还债务。)
  • 13、The soldiers were authorized to shootat will.(士兵得到允许可以随意开枪。)
  • 14、This only affects classes loaded in the future, so it can't be turned on and offat will.(由于这仅影响将来装入的类,因此不能随意地关闭或打开它。)
  • 15、Neither the number of its producers nor their output can be increasedat will.(无论是生产者还是产品的数量都不能随意增加。)
  • 16、Continues freely andat will.(继续以自由而又随意的方式生活着。)
  • 17、You should be able to 'be there'at will using your mind's eye only.(你必须仅仅用你精神的“眼睛”就能身临其境。)
  • 18、The beasts were more disciplined, so that it was easier for hunters to predict their habits, and capture animalsat will.(这些野兽更具有纪律性,因此猎人更容易去预测它们的习性,并随意捕捉这些动物。)
  • 19、You can add and remove instancesat will.(您可以随意添加和删除实例。)
  • 20、It makes it difficult to recreate a deployment or componentat will.(这会使得很难随意重新创建部署或组件。)
  • 21、Can they be allowed to violate rules and regulationsat will?(难道能容许他们随心所欲地破坏规章制度吗?)
  • 22、But for the first time since 1999 it seems to have lost the ability to rig electionsat will.(但是从1999年来,它第一次似乎失去随意了操纵选举的能力。)
  • 23、At that time foreigners couldn't travelat will around the country.(那时候外国人不能随意到全国各地旅行。)
  • 24、The securities can be convertedat will by a bank to raise its core capital levels.(银行可以在任何时候转换这些证券以提高核心资本水平。)
  • 25、And on top of all that, he's started belting in free-kicksat will with Chelsea.(不仅如此,他在切尔西已经开始展现出神入化的任意球绝技了。) (好工具
  • 26、Those attributes are not static, so you can add and delete themat will.(这些属性不是静态的,因此可以随意添加和删除它们。)
  • 27、The legislators lean toward letting business people track our financial habits virtuallyat will.(立法者倾向于让商业人士随心所欲地监视我们的理财习惯。)
at will基本释义

at will

英 [æt wil] 美 [æt wɪl] 

随意; 任意
