1、And there can be a Catch-22: those with the fewest assets are the likeliest to receive a settlement offer, but they are also the least able to come up with the cash for that final negotiated payment.(但是规定往往让人两难:资产最少的人最有可能收到清算的要求,但他们同时又最不可能筹措到现金来完成最终协商好的付款。)
2、The trading settlement funds or securities of its client may not be defined as its insolvent assets or liquidation assets.(非因客户本身的债务或者法律规定的其他情形,不得查封、冻结、扣划或者强制执行客户的交易结算资金和证券。)
3、If such is the case, different creditors stand differently in order of settlement of the remaining assets.(此时,不同债权人对于保险公司剩余资产的清偿次序是不同的。)
4、This paper analyzed the effect of appreciation of RMB on Chinese commercial Banks 'assets and liabilities, international settlement, management of capital adequacy ratio, etc.(本文从银行资产和负债、国际结算、外汇资金、资本充足率管理等多角度具体分析了此次人民币升值给我国商业银行带来的影响。)
5、Most exclude from the settlement assets acquired before the marriage (but Michigan and Colorado don't).(大多数州不认可婚前得到的协议资产(但是密歇根州和科罗拉多州认可)。)
6、Forwards are agreements in which assets are bought and sold at current prices for settlement at a later specified time and date.(远期合约是(双方)以确定的价格买卖资产并在未来某个约定的时间加以交付的协议。) 【好工具hao86.com】
7、Results of the settlement of the enterprise assets.(企业资产的处理结果。)
8、This week's ruling partially relaxes those criteria, making it easier for spouses, especially rich ones, to rely on agreements that keep specific assets outside a divorce settlement.(本周法庭判决时多少放松了上述标准。因此,配偶,尤其是较为富裕的一方,较容易援引婚前协议,保护自己的特定资产不牵涉入财产分割中。)