好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的at a stroke的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了12条at a stroke的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了at a stroke的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、They threatened to cancel the whole projectat a stroke.(他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。)
- 2、Several hundred men lost their jobsat a stroke when the factory closed.(工厂关闭,几百号人一下子就都失了业。)
- 3、I try to maintain a high elbow at every point of the stroke.(我尽量在划水的每个阶段都保持高肘。)
- 4、It's unbelievable that they finish all the tasksat a stroke.(令人难以置信的是,他们一举完成了所有的任务。)
- 5、At the time, his appointment seemed a stroke of genius.(当时,他的任命似乎是天才之举。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 6、You can't change people's opinionat a stroke.(你不可能一下子改变人们的想法。)
- 7、Doctor: You have a heat stroke. Don't worry, we'll treat you at once.(医生:你是中暑了,我们马上给你治疗。)
- 8、He had a stroke at dinner.(晚饭的时候他中风了。)
- 9、This person is at high risk for a devastating stroke.(这个人突发重度中风的风险非常高。)
- 10、at a stroke, the kingdom would become one-third smaller.(只消此一举,英国的国土面积就会缩小三分之一。)
- 11、We can't solve all these problemsat a stroke.(我们不能一下子把所有问题都解决。)
- 12、You've then got an evens chance of doubling your moneyat a stroke.(然后你就有一半的机会可以把钱一下子翻一倍。)