好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的at all events的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条at all events的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了at all events的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、She had an accident, butat all events she wasn't killed.(她出了车祸,但无论如何,她没死。)
- 2、My son is not brilliant, butat all events he studies hard.(我的儿子并不怎么聪明,但不管怎样,他学习努力。)
- 3、I am determinedat all events to be dressed exactly like you.(无论如何,我决定跟你打扮得一模一样。)
- 4、Although today I am very busy,at all events, today is your birthday, so I must come to your party.(虽然今天我很忙,但不管怎样,今天是你的生日,所以我一定会来你的派对。)
- 5、at all events, we will carry out the plan.(我们无论如何要执行这项计划。)
- 6、at all events, he was careful to keep his options open.(无论如何,他谨慎地保留他的可能选项。)
- 7、Comeat all events as soon as possible.(无论如何要尽快过来。)
- 8、It may be that we have no such thing as free will, butat all events we have the illusion of it.(也许根本不存在自由意志这样的东西,但无论如何我们拥有这样的梦想。)
- 9、"That is a good priceat all events," said GREat Claus.(“这个价钱倒是非常高。”大克劳斯说。)
- 10、It maybe thAT we have no such thing as free will, butat all events, we have the illusion of it.(可能世界上并没有诸如自己意志这样的事情,但是无论怎样,我们总有关于自由意志的幻想。)
- 11、We should try,at all events, to help others in case of necessity.(无论如何,需要时,我们应该帮助他人。)
- 12、I will give an answer tomorrowat all events.(不管怎样,我明天一定会做出答复。)
- 13、You stole the picture,at all events.(无论如何,你是偷了图画。)
- 14、We shall get a good cup of tea after a bit,at all events.(无论如何,过一会儿我们要喝杯好茶。)
- 15、at all events, we will carry the struggle through to the end.(我们无论如何要把斗争进行到底。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 16、However,at all events, I do not think too much about this Q.(但是,不管怎样,我不想对这个问题想太多了。)
- 17、Talented girl: Then I can’t promise you.at all events, I’m the team leader of our class.(小才女说:那可不行,我可是我们班的小组长呢。)
- 18、I have to find himat all events.(无论如何,我也要找到他。)
- 19、Though I am young, I amat all events a man, and know what is right.(我虽然年轻,但毕竟是个男人,知道什么是正确的。)
- 20、at all events, we have done our best.(无论如何,我们已经尽力了。)
- 21、at all events you had better try.(你无论如何最好试一试。)
- 22、at all events the rent from them must have been very considerable.(无论如何来自他们的租金以前一定是非常相当多的。)
- 23、at all events here are some people up and stirring.(无论如何,这里有些人是振奋人心的。)
- 24、She had a terrible accident, butat all events she wasn't killed.(她遇到了可怕的情况,但无论怎样,她没有死。)
- 25、at all events, you'd better have a try.(无论如何,你还是试一试的好。)