好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的at the latest的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条at the latest的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了at the latest的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Yes, I've figured out how to swipeat the latest version of Mac OS X.(是的,我曾指出过如何在最新版本的MacOSX上进行键盘输入。)
- 2、You're already waking upat the latest possible time you think is acceptable.(在你认为你可以接受的最晚时间起床,你已经醒了。)
- 3、While it is likely impossible to always be runningat the latest levels, it is prudent to not fall too far behind.(尽管不太可能始终运行于最新的级别,但请注意,不要隔得太久。)
- 4、He would laughat the latest joke about a priest and a rabbi or about a farmer's daughter.(他会因为一个关于牧师和犹太教士,又或者是农夫女儿的新笑话大笑不已。)
- 5、B: Well, I'll do my best to give you a call within two daysat the latest.(好吧!我尽量最迟在两天内就回你电话。)
- 6、The 27-nation bloc wants a deal by 2015 for all nations that would be implemented by 2020at the latest.(这个27国集团想要所有国家在2015年前达成一致并最迟到2020年实施。)
- 7、We can effect shipment in December or early next yearat the latest.(我们最晚在今年12月份或明年初交货。)
- 8、Halfway up, a passing guide told us if we couldn't get to the top by 12:30at the latest, then to turn back.(当中途爬到一半的时候,一个路过的向导告诉我们,如果不能在12:30之前到达顶峰,那么就立即返回。)
- 9、This railway will be opened to traffic in Mayat the latest.(这条铁路至迟五月通车。)
- 10、But not for long,at the latest rate of poaching.(但以目前猎杀大象的速度,这种说法将持续不长。)
- 11、We'll send out the manuals this afternoon by express mail entirely at our cost, and the manuals should arrive tomorrow or the day afterat the latest.(我们将在今天下午通过快递将手册全部寄出,邮费由我们负责,这些手册最迟明天或后天可以送到。)
- 12、On November 11th it proposed that 13 EU countries with big deficits should get them below 3% of GDP by 2014at the latest.(11月11号,它向13个背负巨大赤字的欧盟国家建议,应该将其最晚到2014年控制在GDP的3%以下。)
- 13、Applications should be in by next Mondayat the latest.(最迟须于下星期一递交申请书。)
- 14、She should be back by ten o'clockat the latest.(她最晚应该在10点钟回来。)
- 15、Ford is publicly confident of concluding a sale by early next yearat the latest.(福特公开表示对最迟明年年初完成出售信心十足。)
- 16、Meanwhile, lookat the latest indicators from the Clevaland Fed.(同时,我们再来看一下来自克利夫兰储备银行的最新指标。)
- 17、Your boss pops back into your office after lookingat the latest traffic reports.(您的老板看了最近的流量报告后急急地走进您的办公室。)
- 18、Off you gothen. Back by sixat the latest!(要去就去吧,最迟六点回来!)
- 19、That means that I'll have to be on the road by 7 o 'clockat the latest.(就是说我明天早晨最迟也要7点钟上路。)
- 20、The MDS tool determines if microcode installed on your systems isat the latest level.(MDS工具判断系统上安装的微代码是否是最新级别的。)
- 21、The armed factions (38at the latest count, roughly one for each ethnic group), have varied and shifting goals.(武装派别(最新统计,按大约每个民族1个派别计算,有38个)具有不断变化的各种目标。)
- 22、The static keyword forces PHP to bind to the code implementationat the latest possible moment.(static关键字会在可能的最近时刻强迫PHP绑定到代码实现。)
- 23、I should be home by 8 o'clockat the latest because I don't want my parents to worry about me.(我最迟应该在8点钟以前到家因为我不想让父母担心我。)
- 24、Because the service has request scope, you must dispose of the service at the end of the request,at the latest.(由于该服务具有请求范围,因此必须在最近的请求完成时释放该服务。)