
tuck in

tuck in造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 11:50:44

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的tuck in的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条tuck in的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了tuck in的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、tuck in, it's the last hot food you'll get for a while.(尽情地吃吧,一段时间里你都吃不到这么一顿热饭了。)
  • 2、tuck in or tie off one end at the bottom of the shoe, then lace up the shoe running across and back like Straight Lacing.(塔克在关闭或领带的一端底部的鞋,然后花边的皮鞋跑过和背部像直花边。)
  • 3、On Tuesday night, we willtuck in our daughters like we always do.(周二晚上,我们会像往常一样给女儿们掖被子。)
  • 4、Three cheetahstuck in just after running down a pregnant springbok on a cold winter's morning.(在一个寒冷的早上,三头猎豹在撞到一只怀孕的跳羚后,就狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。)
  • 5、Why don'ttuck in your shirt?(你为什么不把衬衫塞进去?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 6、Come along, children,tuck in!(快来,孩子们,痛快地吃喝吧!)
  • 7、I lIke pIzza very much andtuck in It.(我十分喜欢披萨且尽情地吃。)
  • 8、If the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, it's no wonder blokes are tempted totuck in as well.(如果厨房的橱柜里突然摆满了零食和食物,难怪男人们也会忍不住大吃特吃。)
  • 9、My son has gotten so used to tucking in his shirt, he tends totuck in his pajamas, "Lisa Nichols says."(“我儿子现在很习惯把他的衬衫扎进裤子里,有时甚至连睡衣都会扎进去,”丽莎?尼可斯说。)
  • 10、After that long walk we didn't need any enoughment totuck in.(经过长途跋涉,我们无需别人的请就大吃起来。)
  • 11、The dress was too big, so Mother put atuck in it.(衣服太大,所以妈妈在里面打了裥。)
  • 12、tuck in your shirt; it looks awful hanging out of your pants.(把你的衬衣掖进去;垂在长裤外面看起来很糟糕。)
  • 13、She stooped over, losing her balance, and began totuck in the blankets of Ramona's bed.(她弯下腰,摇摇晃晃地站不稳,把瑞摩娜床上的毯子盖好。)
  • 14、On Tuesday night, my husband and I willtuck in our daughters like we always do.(在星期二晚上,我丈夫和我会和往常一样融入我们的女儿之中。)
  • 15、I just pretend I don't knowhow it got there andtuck in.(我都会装着不知道它是怎样的来的或怎样处理的。)
  • 16、He plans totuck in behind the leaders and make his move at the bell.(他打算从后面盯住领先的几名运动员,在铃响时采取行动。)
  • 17、Theytuck in their tails. They whisper, 'Goodnight.(他们会盖好尾巴,轻轻地说,“晚安”。)
  • 18、So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, it's no wonder blokes are tempted totuck in as well.(所以如果厨房橱柜里的零食和食物突然多了,男人们恐怕也会经不住诱惑吃上一口。)
  • 19、Come on,tuck in, everybody!(来呀,大家尽量吃吧。)
  • 20、Her new dress was a bit too big, so her mother took atuck in it.(她的新衣服太大了一点,她母亲便在上面打了个褶。)
  • 21、Now 2tuck in your shirt.(现在把衬衫塞好。)
  • 22、That we cantuck in our children at night and know that they are fed and clothed and safe from harm.(入夜,当我们为孩子掖好小被的同时,相信他们不会为衣食所累,不会为安全担忧。)
  • 23、A limp body tells the shark it's time totuck in for a big meal.(柔软的身体会告诉鲨鱼现在可以美餐一顿。)
  • 24、The strap is a cool material and matched to one of Hublot's excellent fold over deployments with atuck in strap.(该带是一个很酷的材料及配套恒宝的优良倍以上部署,以其中一名在带抱膝。)
  • 25、He cantuck in three or four sandwiches between meals.(他在两顿饭之间,还能痛痛快快地吃下三四块三明治。)
tuck in基本释义

tuck in

英 [tʌk in] 美 [tʌk ɪn] 

