- 1、trawl local antique shops and fairs for un-waxed pine furniture like this (find them via bada.org or antiqueswebsite.co.uk).(去当地的古玩商店或古玩市场搜罗这种没有打蜡的松木家具(通过baba.org或者antiqueswebsite.co.uk.找这些物品)。)
- 2、She would walk on to the beach and watch the night fishermentrawl the shallow waters.(她会步行到海滩去看夜间工作的渔民在浅水中拖网捕鱼。)
- 3、Identity theft fraudsters willtrawl through sites which allow people to leave their pictures and personal details, finding targets for "phishing" attacks?(身份盗窃黑客将从允许人们上传照片和个人资料的网站上搜索个人信息,确定实施“网络钓鱼”的目标。)
- 4、Of that total, tropical shrimptrawl fisheries have the highest "discard" rate, accounting for 27 percent of the waste — 1.8 million tonnes of it.(在这一总量中,热带虾类拖网渔业的“抛弃”率最高,达到180万吨,占废弃物的27%。)
- 5、Statisticianstrawl through the vast quantities of data these surveys produce rather as miners panning for gold.(数据学家们像矿工找寻金子一样查阅了这些调查的大量数据。)
- 6、A quicktrawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts.(快速翻阅一下报纸便找到五则适合的招聘广告。)
- 7、King salmon get caught in the huge pollocktrawl nets, and the dead Kings are counted and most are thrown back into the ocean. Some are donated to the needy.(国王鲑鱼被巨大的鳕鱼拖网抓住,渔夫计算死掉的国王鲑鱼数量,其中大多都被丢回海中,有些则捐给穷人。)
- 8、The experimental results show that the net structure is reasonable andtrawl performance is fine.(结果表明,该网的结构合理,网具性能优良。)
- 9、Another is the sheer convenience of being able totrawl through hundreds of profiles without having to leave the comfort of your home.(另外就是人们可以不离开舒适的家而渔网般散出几百份个人介绍的极度便利。)
- 10、Thetrawl threw up information on more than 20,000 animals from 24 distinct populations covering eight species.(最终的结果中一共调查了24个群体超过20000只动物,一共8个物种。)
- 11、I began totrawl my family for surnames.(然后我开始梳理全家人的姓。)
- 12、Its reportstrawl through all recent climate science.(其报告拖网通过所有最近气候科学。)
- 13、When fitted with an ottertrawl, invented in 1892, it enabled fishermen to haul in six times the catch of a sailing ship.(当1892年发明的网板拖网被安装上时,它使捕鱼者能够拖动六倍于被帆船捕捉的捕获物。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 14、The authors of this booktrawl the furthest reaches of psychology, management studies, biology and physics to show why a bit of disorder is good for you.(本书作者最大程度地探究了心理学、管理学、生物学及物理学以说明为何稍许凌乱对人们有益。)
- 15、In this paper the importance of Froude, Reynolds and Newton Numbers intrawl model testing was discussed.(本文讨论雷诺数、佛洛德数、牛顿数在拖网模型试验中的意义。)
- 16、It is mainly these treasures, rather than modern Mexican art, that buyers and travellerstrawl the silver mining towns for.(买家和游客在这些银矿小镇上淘的并不是墨西哥现代艺术,主要是这一类宝贝。)
- 17、Atrawl through foreign purchases of British firms in recent years suggests that the balance is by no means all negative.(查阅近年来外国投资者收购英国公司的案例,绝非都是一边倒的负面情况。)
- 18、In order to understand the effect degrees produced by different factors on the fishing capacity of ottertrawl, we employed 12 factors in factor analysis.(为了了解各因子对单拖作业捕捞能力发挥的影响程度,本文选择影响单拖捕捞能力发挥的12个因子指标,采用因子分析法对其进行分析。)
- 19、The experimental results showed that the net structure was reasonable and thetrawl performance was fine.(试验结果表明:该网的结构合理,网具性能优良。)
- 20、Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than atrawl round the shops.(购物疗法长时间的为那些享受出入各种商店之间的女人们所采用。)
- 21、Next time you're visiting someone at work, I encourage you to cruise the corridors andtrawl for the messages people are sending about themselves.(下次你在某人上班时去造访,不妨在走廊上放慢脚步,大量捕捉人们发出的信息。)